Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 1: Inclusive Business Sweden

Successful Business Models in Sweden – case 1: Inclusive Business Sweden

Inclusive Business Sweden serves as a platform for creating awareness of inclusive business, facilitating collaboration between organisations, as well as for connecting and supporting organisations to create opportunities associated with the BoP. Purpose Inclusive Business Sweden is the Swedish national center for the advancement of inclusive business initiatives with the “Base of the Pyramid” (BoP)…

Successful bussiness models in Poland – case 3 “Jurassic Park in Bałtów”

Successful bussiness models in Poland – case 3 “Jurassic Park in Bałtów”

Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Gminy Bałtów „Bałt” (The Association for the development of the municipality Bałtów “Bałt”) Social goal The development of tourism and economic in the municipality of Bałtów. Increasing the number of jobs, the development of local entrepreneurship and turistic and gastronomy infrastructure. Integration and activation of Bałtów citizens. History of the social…

Successful business models in Poland – case 2

Successful business models in Poland – case 2

Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne “Teatr Grodzki” (The Bielsko Artistic Association Grodzki Theatre) Social goal Social and vocational activation of people with disabilities. History of the social enterprise creation The association was founded in 1999 in the town of Bielsko-Biala (southern part of Poland) and gathered artists, pedagogues and culture promoters engaged in artistic work with children,…

Successful business models in Finland – case 3: The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre

The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre is a non-profit organization working for the benefit of the community. Their mission is to improve the state of the environment by reducing the amount of waste and by increasing environmental awareness. The Centre has five stores in the metropolitan area: in Vantaa, Espoo and Helsinki. In their stores…

Successful business models in Finland – case 2: kaksi.nolla

“kaksi.nolla Oy” offers housing services for the city of Tampere in Kontukoti (they have in total 26 places) and also they have started to offer home care for other customers. Kaksi.nolla is a social enterprise that has established their first elderly house ”Kontukoti” in the heart of city of Tampere. Kaksi.nolla is a limited liability…

Successful business models in Denmark – case 3

Successful business models in Denmark – case 3

Specialisterne (The Specialist People Foundation) Specialisterne Denmark is a social enterprise that actively works to hire employees with autism, and to assess, train and secure employment in the corporate sector for people with autism. Since its start in 2004, Specialisterne Denmark has supported more than 230 individuals with autism by creating job profiles and providing…


Successful business models in Finland – case 1: Helsinki Foundation

The Helsinki Foundation – what is it? The Helsinki Foundation is a non-profit foundation established for the purpose of promoting the conservation of nature and the environment in Finland and in other countries. The Foundation was established in 2015 after growing concerns about the increasing footprint of man upon the world and the need to…

Succesfull Bussiness Model in Poland – case 1

Succesfull Bussiness Model in Poland – case 1

Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej “Być Razem” from Cieszyn (Foundation of Social Entrepreneurship Development “Be Together”) Social Goals: 1. The activation of the unemployed and persons at risk of social exclusion through work and education. Creating new jobs in the run by Foundation social enterprise in the same time supporting reintegration of people threatened with marginalization….

Successful business model in Estonia – case 3

Successful business model in Estonia – case 3

Uuskasutus (Uuskasutuskeskus) is a non-profit organisation to promote reuse and recycling. Their objective is to re-use or re-design old things, giving them new value and a new purpose. Whilst recycling mainly means reprocessing packaging, paper and other items into raw material, the objective of re-use and re-design is to extend the lives of things or…