BOOK  Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Concepts, and Tools
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Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Concepts, and Tools

Social entrepreneurship and social innovation both seek to improve the world through social change. Whereas social entrepreneurship revolves around the business side of change, social innovation focuses on the processes through which that change is generated. This textbook provides a comprehensive analysis of both topics, covering all the characteristics and elements of social innovation and…

BOOK  Social Innovation: Comparative perspectives
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Social Innovation: Comparative perspectives

Social innovation is a topic that is more and more being discussed on both national and European levels (hence, the announcement of this being a strategic priority EU wide). To better be able to provide social impact in the society and find novel solutions also for operating social enterprises, it is necessary to explore how…

BOOK  Social entrepreneurship teaching resources handbook
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Social entrepreneurship teaching resources handbook

Social entrepreneurship education has grown dramatically from the first class taught at Harvard University by Dr. Greg Dees in the mid 1990’s and the first European course at the University of Geneva in Switzerland co-taught by Maximilian Martin and Pamela Hartigan from the Schwab Foundation in 2003. This book will be of great help to everyone embarking on path…

Social Entrepreneurship – new book on social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship – new book on social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship – A Practice-Based Approach to Social Innovation is a new textbook with a practice-based approach to social innovation by J. Howard Kucher and Stephanie E. Raible. The book provides in an easily accessible way a comprehensive guide to the various building blocks needed to create a sustainable social enterprises. At the same time,…

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

Alustava ettevõtja käsiraamat

BDA Consulting OÜ ja Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutus on koostanud abimaterjali ettevõtlusega alustajale – alustava ettevõtja käsiraamatu. Käsiraamat julgustab samm-sammu haaval läbi mõtlema ettevõtlusega alustamise etapid alates ettevõtjaks olemise plussidest ja miinustest kuni äriplaani koostamise ja äriidee esitlemiseni välja. Raamatus on toodud ettevõtjate edulugusid, mis innustavad ja inspireerivad alustavat ettevõtjat. Käsiraamatus on ka toetavaid sõnu sotsiaalse…

Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux
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Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a different way of doing organizational tasks and assigning titles than the traditional hierarchical structure with decisions being made mostly top down? Frederick Laloux, the author of reinventing organizations, wondered just that. He had observed different styles of running organizations which he equated…

“Building Social Business” – Muhammad Yunus
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“Building Social Business” – Muhammad Yunus

What is social business? And how is it different from Social Enterprise? The term “social business” in European literature has no distinction between social enterprise and social business – they use the term interchangeably. For our purposes we have chosen to make a distinction between social enterprise and social business: the business model that Muhammad…