The support programme of National Foundation of Civil Society for non-governmental organizations in Estonia

The support programme of National Foundation of Civil Society for non-governmental organizations in Estonia

National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is a state financed civil society fund in Estonia established in 2008 by The Estonian Government. The objective of the NFCS is to contribute to enhancing the capacity of non-profit organizations and foundations acting in the public interests of Estonia in the development of civil society and in the…

Social Entrepreneurships in Education
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Social Entrepreneurships in Education

Social entrepreneurship (SE) is slowly making its way into the education system. Social entrepreneurship is already a concept taught in universities around the world, and some examples of SE education can be found at schools too, however the concept is still relatively new and education systems can be notoriously slow to change. “Social Entrepreneurships in…


Katapult Accelerator: an accelerator for tech focused impact organizations

Are you looking for an accelerator to assist your business from startup phase? Have a look at the Norwegian accelerator: Katapult Accelerator. “We believe in making a positive impact. We believe in technology as the key driver for change. We believe in the untapped talent of the world. We are fuelled and inspired by our…

Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise
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Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise

Though Australia seems far far away for the Baltic and Nordic countries, why not learn from the best practice they share and see how it’s done in the  Land Of The Kangaroo?  Read this excellent article in The Guardian and explore how social enterprise is empowering communities and the impact it is having on Australia’s economy. This publication is published…

A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs: Collect and Report!
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A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs: Collect and Report!

“Know Your Impact: Social Impact Management Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs” is the project lead by Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF), that works as a research and practice centre on social impact in Turkey. The activities of organisation are focused on social impact measurement and creation of collaborative networks among civil society, public and private…

Crowdsourcing platform for social enterprises – ImpactYouth
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Crowdsourcing platform for social enterprises – ImpactYouth

To introduce opportunities and alternative resources to support the social entrepreneurship run by youth in Baltic states, the project ImpactYouth was developed in cooperation of Social innovation centre (Latvia), Viesoji istaiga Bendruomeniu kaitos centras  (Lithuania), INVOLVED (Estonia), VIAINDUSTRIAE (Italy) and Makesense (France), executed under the Erasmus+ programme and co-financed by the European Union. The main objectives of the the project started in summer…

Selected impact analysis resources in English
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Selected impact analysis resources in English

Hereby please find some of the greatest hits of impact analysis materials in English. Be inspired and guided! A toolkit for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprise to provide ways to prove and improve their quality and impact “Impact Measurement. An introductory guide for Irish social enterprises and charities on using Logic Models, Theory of Change and…

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

What’s happening in the field of social entrepreneurship in Finland at the moment?

If I’d need to say it in one word, it would be this: buzz.  There is definitely a positive buzz at the moment in the field of organizations that are wanting to make a positive impact to the society.  For instance, there are all kinds of happenings and events organised by support organisations, students, networks –…