How to be a social entrepreneur?
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How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….

The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises
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The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises

Znaczenie edukacji dla strategii rozwoju podmiotów ekonomii społecznej The Meaning of Education to the Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Author(s): Grażyna Krzyminiewska Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Economic policy, Socio-Economic Research Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Keywords: social economy; education; Summary/Abstract: The paper The Meaning of Education for Development Strategies of Social Economy Enterprises Focuses on education as…