Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise
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Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise

Though Australia seems far far away for the Baltic and Nordic countries, why not learn from the best practice they share and see how it’s done in the  Land Of The Kangaroo?  Read this excellent article in The Guardian and explore how social enterprise is empowering communities and the impact it is having on Australia’s economy. This publication is published…

European Social Economy Regions 2018 call is still open!
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European Social Economy Regions 2018 call is still open!

If you think, that social enterprises need more visibility in your country, you should definitely submit your application to the European Social Economy Regions 2018 call! It is your chance to build effective networks of the social economy and social innovation stakeholders and to raise awareness about the social economy at regional and local level. This publication…

Strategic Foresight of Tomorrow’s Land – Who Are Social Innovators of Next Generation?
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Strategic Foresight of Tomorrow’s Land – Who Are Social Innovators of Next Generation?

Being a social innovator means to think about the future – own, community’s and whole society’s welbeing of next decades. The only way social innovator can be prepared to tackle with future challenges is to accumulate knowledges, skills and competences here and now and form the future innovator and community wants to live in. Simply! Really? Let’s take…