Rekomendacijos savivaldybėms dėl veiksmingų priemonių skatinant socialinį verslumą
Dalinamės projekto metu parengtomis rekomendacijomis savivaldybėms. Jas perskaityti galite čia:
Dalinamės projekto metu parengtomis rekomendacijomis savivaldybėms. Jas perskaityti galite čia:
EUROCITIES has prepared a publication on the role of cities in promoting social entrepreneurship. The report has analyzed good practices from 11 cities across the EU, among those Goteborg and Malmö. The report looks into the tools cities use to promote support the social economy – funding, network of social economy actors, infrastructure and impact…
United Kingdom is well know as the pioner in the field of supporting and stimulating development of social economy sector. The system and wide approach to the topic of social enterpreneurship of British Goverments is worth to follow. After implementing the social clauses in public procurements, organizing social economy support system, creating a methodology of…
European Commission prepared a guide that is intended to facilitate access to social finance by encouraging investors to provide suitable supply or build capacity for sound demand. While respecting the various organisational models and social missions of social enterprises, we want to see how external social finance can help implement their business models, especially as they…
Co-funded by the EEA grants project SOCIAL INNOVATORS presents an innovative model of simultaneously addressing the challenges of high rates of youth unemployment and low employment rate in NGO sector, which all present a tremendous waste of human potential and missed opportunities for greater contribution to the social transformation not only in partner countries but…
We recommend a very recent research article (2019) on social entrepreneurship “Social Entrepreneurship Education: Is it Achieving the Desired Aims?” by Debbi D. Brock and Susan D Steiner. This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea…
As many countries rural areas are facing the same contemporary societal challenges, such as a tightening economy and diminishing local services, there is a need to find new tools for rural communities to cope with the future. ViSEnet project works on materials to help do just that – by aiming to enhance the ideas and…
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