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Welcome to Social Entrepreneurship Support Network!

We would like to introduce you as a member of our database of stakeholders to the project that gathers social businesses and enthusiasts of the Baltic Sea region. This is a pilot newsletter to subscribe to and be always updated with information on social entrepreneurship and innovation! If you don’t want to receive following newsletters, scroll down and press “unsubscribe from this list”.

As social entrepreneurship development is an effective solution to modern challenges of communities around the world, regional cooperation within Baltic Sea region has been established by social entrepreneurship supporting organisations in 2014. Since then cooperation involves Baltic Sea region countries in development of proper adult education and larger awareness of social entrepreneurship impact, development of social entrepreneurship support network and overall support for social enterprises.
Therefore the first interactive and integrated learning and action
platform was created as a part of “Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region” project and is run in partnership of social entrepreneurship and innovation supporters from Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Denmark, Iceland, Poland, Russia and Sweden.

Let’s see how you can use the platform!


Learn more about initiatives, social innovators, projects, books, social enterprises, resources and organisations, that makes an impact! Publications from different sources and authors can be found here to inspire you!


This German social enterprise wants to hire your grandma to bake cakes

“Building Social Business – Muhammad Yunus”

“Get inspired with this article on the social and economic impact of social enterprise
Follow the blog for more!

Database of Social Enterprises (SE)
We provide you an insight in existing social enterprises of Baltic Sea region – information about more than 270 social businesses, addresses and contacts can be found in “Database” section!


54 SE in Poland

49 SE in Estonia

43 SE in Latvia

29 SE in Denmark

22 SE in Finland

21  SE in Russia

21 SE in Sweden

17 SE in Lithuania

6 SE in Iceland

and in other countries

Through the Database of Social Enterprise Support Organisations you can search for opportunities for social entrepreneurship development in region and particular countries. Just find the organization you think is relevant for you, go to their webpage or contact directly! 

If you know more SE in your country, contribute to the list here!


On Social Entrepreneurships Support Network platform you can find articles on Successful Social Business models, Impact Measurement and other Educational Materials, that would empower, inspire and guide social entrepreneurs and other stakeholders.


“Business Model in Iceland: geoSilica

CoccoBello – Honey from Russian village

“BlindArt from Latvia. The story of impact and success”

Selected impact analysis resources in English

“The Atlas of Social Innovation – Global Insight”

“Social Enterprise Toolkit”

More articles

Collaboration Tools

To increase your digital knowledge and competences Collaboration Tools introduces you to most effective and worldwide known e-collaboration tools and media channels, as well as provides with webinars on social innovation and entrepreneurship.


Digital filesharing tools for collaboration


Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration
Follow for more!

Support for SocEnts

To search for competitions, grants, funds and more opportunities for social entrepreneurs, take a look on Support for SocEnts section!


“European Social Innovation Competition (apply before April 27)”

“Crowdsourcing platform for social enterprises – ImpactYouth”


We gather information about events and activities organized for social entrepreneurs and those, who simply need to get inspiration to start!

May 14-16   /    Katapult Future Fest 2018

May 25        /    Social Impact Careers Conference

June 6-7      /    Spreading the Wealth: Social Enterprise
Mark CIC Conference

June 27-29  /    5th International CSR Conference

More upcoming events

Useful networks and projects to check out for existing and potential social entrepreneurs:

Partnership within Social Entrepreneurship Support Network of the Baltic Sea Region

If you have any materials to share, comments, wishes or suggestions concerning  the content, as well as if you want to join our network or partnership, contact beata@socialinnovation.lv.

If you want to add your social enterprise or support organisation, you can do it directly on https://socialenterprisebsr.net/databases/.

To add an event, go to https://socialenterprisebsr.net/events/





Copyright © 2018 Social Entrepreneurship Support Network
All rights reserved.

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