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Social Entrepreneurship Network in the Baltic Sea Region
We remind you how you can contribute to support Ukraine: BLUE / YELLOW FOR TRANSFERS IN LITHUANIA Bank account: LT17 7300 0101 4089 4869 Bank: Swedbank Recipient: Public Institution Blue and Yellow Purpose of payment: SUPPORT Bankera (UAB Pervesk) LT483550020000014662 PAYPAL info@foblueyellowukraineusa.org PAYSERA Paysera account: EVP5310001450732 BECOME A PERMANENT SPONSOR – DONATE EUR 3…
Full info: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=89&furtherNews=yes&newsId=10066#navItem-1 Are you interested in social rights in Europe? Looking for an opportunity to shine a light on social issues that matter to you? Then read on! The #MySocialRights video competition will give you the opportunity to show your ideas and hopes for the future of social Europe and tell us what it means…
Important information coming from the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and European Regional Development Fund. Click on links to read full documents. ESF Plus Regulation, approved yesterday, states: Social economy enterprises could play a key role in delivering on social innovation and contributing to economic and social resilience. The definition of a social economy enterprise should…
Why are values important because they define you (and your social enterprise). They define the decisions you make. They are a means to communicate how and why you do the things you do. Your compass When you take a journey, even a day trip, what do you usually equip yourself with? A map or…
Europoje, kurios dalis esame ir mes, siekiant konkurencingos socialinės ekonomikos , socialinės inovacijos yra būtinos. Nors pastaraisiais metais daug girdima ir kalbama apie socialinį verslą, kuris galima sakyti ir yra socialinė inovacija, vis dar šioje srityje nematyti didelio proveržio. Kadangi socialinis verslas gali veikti įvairiom formom, tačiau nuo tradicinio verslo modelio skiriasi tuo, kad pirminė…
Wistia is a video marketing software that allows entrepreneurs to upgrade their webpages with professional videos in binge-watchable format to encourage viewers to spend more time with their brands. It allows to set up an automatic video SEO, track the audience, experiment with the content and analyse the interaction with potential customers. Wistia offers free…
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