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Framgångshistoria: Resurs­restaurangen tar hand om matsvinnet

De räddar gamla grönsaker och lagar mat på sådant som annars skulle slängas. Resursrestaurangen är en ideell förening som vill stoppa matsvinnet och sprida kunskap och inspiration kring hur vi kan leva mer klimatsmart. Söndagen den 26 november dukar föreningen Resursrestaurangen upp vad de själva kallar ”en magnifik svinn-brunch” för att presentera sin verksamhet och…

Take a look on what we offer!

Take a look on what we offer!

Subscribe to our Newsletter! Welcome to Social Entrepreneurship Support Network! We would like to introduce you as a member of our database of stakeholders to the project that gathers social businesses and enthusiasts of the Baltic Sea region. This is a pilot newsletter to subscribe to and be always updated with information on social entrepreneurship and innovation! If you don’t…

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Social Innovation in Focus
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Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Social Innovation in Focus

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)  for future social innovators is a tool developed within “Tomorrow’s Land” project and to be used in order to explore the challenges and solution of future and present communities. Joint project of the MOOC is based on learning approach that combines theory, inspiration, practice, self-reflection and discussion with peers. It is designed as…

European Social Innovation Competition (apply before April 27)
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European Social Innovation Competition (apply before April 27)

Check it out: European Social Innovation Competition – http://eusic.challenges.org/ Three €50,000 Prizes from The European Commission for the Most Innovative Projects to Empower Young People in a Changing Economy” Get in touch with me if you’d like to collaborate to help take your idea forward and prepare an application (deadline 27 April)

This German social enterprise wants to hire your grandma to bake cakes

This German social enterprise wants to hire your grandma to bake cakes

If you find yourself in Munich with a hankering for your nan’s baked goods, a trip to Kuchentratsch(German for cake chat or gossip) should be high on the to-do list. Your grandma might not be there, but someone else’s will! Founded by Katharina Mayer in 2015, the German bakery brands itself as a start-up helping retired pensioners stay…