Green Care -based wellbeing services and impact? How to.
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Green Care -based wellbeing services and impact? How to.

Natural Resource Center in Finland has published learning materials and a workbook about modelling and measuring your wellbeing service’s impact. The materials are available in Finnish. The workbook is part of a wider impact program aimed to service providers who provide green care -based wellbeing services. The materials state that impact modelling, measurement and communication…

Measuring the Good – Developing Impact Measurement in Finland.

Measuring the Good – Developing Impact Measurement in Finland.

(NOTE: The links from this article refer to pages that are currently only available in Finnish) Finnish association for social enterprises ARVO has partnered during the recent years partnered with a range of high-profile impact investing and developing partners –  such as ME-Säätiö –  in an impact measurement development project called Hyvän Mitta (Measure for Good). The…

Ten Reasons Not to Measure Impact—and What to Do Instead
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Ten Reasons Not to Measure Impact—and What to Do Instead

It’s important for every social enterprise – especially the small ones with fewer resources to place their focus on right things. Making impact happen. 10 Reasons Not to Measure Impact – and What to Do Instad provides a thought-provoking ideas and an important learning – the side in impact measurement that’s still very rarely talked about….

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Deloitte Social Investment Leveraging Index in CEE

The new Deloitte Social Investment Leveraging Index (DSILI) developed by Deloitte in partnership with EVPA and GSEN provides arguments on why investing for impact through social investment may yield significant social returns in Central and Eastern Europe. Showcasing the social investment leverage across the four sub-regions in CEE (the Balkans, South Eastern Europe, the Baltics and the Visegrad Countries),…


News from Finland: New impact management system for social enterprises

Arvoliitto – The association for social enterprises in Finland and Laatukeskus – Excellence Finland – The Finnish Association for Quality have started to develop a new impact management and quality system tailored for social enterprises and other impact organizations. The new system and it’s tools will enhance also the social procurement practices of municipalities. The…

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Finnish Online courses on impact assessment

Want to learn how to develop skills in impact assessment or writing a story about your impact? Impact assessment online courses are now available in Finnish through online video platform There are several courses  available for the fall 2018 that help you start your journey: Vaikutustarinalla vaikuttavuus esiin is all about how to build…

Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise
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Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise

Recent exploration on worldwide known educational platform Coursera has lead to discovery of some valuable resources, which might help social entrepreneurs in defining the social impact of their social and commercial activities. As it is not always clear what to measure, how to measure and how to communicate the impact, there are some video interviews…

Steps towards impact – Tools and examples
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Steps towards impact – Tools and examples

We all long for simple tools and examples how to understand the logic of stepping towards social impact. Finnish innovation fund Sitra has for 3 years built a impact investment ecosystem in Finland, and as part of the work, aimed to enhance the service providers’ and municipalities’ capability to work towards more impactful procurement. As…