
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Knowledge library linking social innovators and other stakeholders in society to solve the challenges

Руководство по социальному предпринимательству

Образовательный модуль для социальных предпринимателей Добро пожаловать в Руководство по социальному предпринимательству - [...]

The Pakistani ‘hyper-entrepreneur’ who started 10 companies in Sweden

Meet Naimul Abd, the self-titled ‘hyper-entrepreneur' who has gone into hyperdrive since moving [...]

The European Social Innovation Toolkit

The European Social Innovation Toolkit aims to support social innovators all across Europe [...]

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Steps towards impact – Tools and examples

We all long for simple tools and examples how to understand the logic [...]

Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a [...]

How to Start a Social Purpose Business

Take a look at our 10-step framework for starting up a Social Purpose [...]

Educational Module for Social Entrepreneurs

Social Enterprise Guide "Educational Module for Social Entrepreneurs" Social entrepreneurs are motivated by [...]

The Platform Design Toolkit 2.0

The new tool has been published to assist entrepreneurs and organizations to look [...]

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a [...]

Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības raksturojums

1.Ievads sociālajā uzņēmējdarbībā 1.1.Sociālās uzņēmējdarbības raksturojums Izziņas ceļvedis Šajā sadaļā tu iepazīsies ar [...]

By |Latvian|1 Comment