
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Travel Massive: Social Enterprises in Tourism Presented

The Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism Competition is the first worldwide competition focusing on social innovation and entrepreneurship in tourism. More than 20 finalists were selected by the Travel Massive community this year through public voting. Each participant has created a short video [...]

Government End Game Toolkit

Spring Impact has designed Government End Game Tool to help social impact organizations explore what government adoption really means for them in practice, and how to start taking steps towards it. Taking into account the [...]

How business can be used to create value beyond profit?

Real Value is an independent award-winning economics documentary exploring how today's social entrepreneurs and thought leaders are re-envisioning business as a powerful force for positive social change - creating long-term and sustainable value in their [...]

Invest in Meaningful Innovation: Join Us in Partnering with Social Ventures Started by Young People

For over 20 years, IYF has nurtured young leaders as they tackle urgent social challenges in their communities. Today we are thrilled to announce the Strategic Alliance Initiative, through which IYF will partner with a consortium [...]

How to encourage youth to become social entrepreneurs?

Today’s youth is at the stalemate. Young people across Europe are trying to find that one type of profession that will make them thrive. That profession will not just be a way for them to [...]

A Dutch Pilot Study in Primary Teacher Education: Social Entrepreneurship Education in Focus

In a Dutch Institute for Primary Teacher Education, a pilot study was undertaken on social entrepreneurship education (SEE). It was a part of the international project “UKids - Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Kids!”. As game [...]