
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Measuring the Good – Developing Impact Measurement in Finland.

(NOTE: The links from this article refer to pages that are currently only available in Finnish) Finnish association for social enterprises ARVO has partnered during the recent years partnered with a range of high-profile impact [...]

Dar kartą apie socialinį verslą – 7 socialinio verslo principus

Socialinis verslumas yra palyginti naujas terminas. Jis buvo pradėtas naudoti vos prieš kelis dešimtmečius. Tačiau šio termino vartojimą galima rasti per visą istoriją. Devynioliktame ir dvidešimtajame amžiuose buvo verslininkų, kurie stengėsi panaikinti socialines blogybes. Be [...]

By |Categories: Blog, Library, Lithuanian|0 Comments

Engaging citizens in the social innovation

When launching a social business or a social innovation project, there are several different aspects that should be taken into consideration. Among various practical things such as the right time, location and funding, the social [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials|2 Comments


WildHearts is a social enterprise in Glasgow, Scotland, that sells office supplies and document management services to large companies. WildHearts use the profits to offer entrepreneurial education and micro-finance for young people in the UK [...]

By |Categories: Successful Business Models|0 Comments

The Skema Generation

It was a wet cold dark winters day in Iceland back in 2013 that I met Rakel Sölvadóttir of Skema at her office at Reykjavik University. The weather contrasted what I soon discovered was a [...]

Clarifying your mission and purpose

What’s your mission and purpose? For a social entrepreneur it’s a calling, if you will. A call within that is a culmination of life circumstances that strikes a chord of not-being-able-to-sit-back-anymore...something needs to change.  Your [...]