
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Guide to Social Change Buzzwords

Social Change Central has produced a small guide with the different words, that are used in the the social arena. Words  like "Social Impact", "Intrapreneurship", "Benefit Corporation", "Shared Value" etc.. It is important to understand what [...]

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Business model in Iceland: Karolina Fund & Karolina Engine

“Karolina Fund is a startup company from Iceland. They are the winners of the Nordic Startup Awards 2016 (Social Tech) and co-founders of the Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance. Karolina Fund aims to become a next generation [...]

Different types of social enterprise models

In an article by Conscious Company Media, there are 6 types of social enterprise models identified. They are: Entrepreneurial Non Profit Non-nonprofit Socially responsible business Give one, Get one / Donate Portion of Proceeds Model [...]

Storytelling for the social entrepreneur

Stories evoke emotions as the audience connects with you as an individual and as an organization. As Mia Angelo famously said: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you [...]

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Helping social ventures scale their impact

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.   Around [...]

Framgångshistoria: Resurs­restaurangen tar hand om matsvinnet

De räddar gamla grönsaker och lagar mat på sådant som annars skulle slängas. Resursrestaurangen är en ideell förening som vill stoppa matsvinnet och sprida kunskap och inspiration kring hur vi kan leva mer klimatsmart. Söndagen [...]

By |Categories: Blog, News, Successful Business Models|0 Comments