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Social Entrepreneurship Network in the Baltic Sea Region

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Country Organisation Name Contact Person Contact Email Website Organisation Type Details
OtherEntreprenerdycontact@entreprenerdy.comhttps://entreprenerdy.com/Interest organisationDetails
Lithuania, OtherFunding opportunities. Social business fundingNerijus AndrijauskasINFO@PAYRAY.LThttps://www.payray.lt/en/Accelerator, Interest organisation, OtherDetails
EstoniaHarju Ettevõtlus- ja Arenduskeskus (HEAK)Hannes Ojangu Managerinfo@heak.eehttps://www.heak.eeAccelerator, Business incubator, Educational institution, Interest organisation, NGO, Private bodyDetails
DenmarkSelveje DanmarkJon Krog jkr@selveje.dkhttps://www.selveje.dkInterest organisationDetails
DenmarkKooperationenSusanne Westhausensw@kooperationen.dkhttps://kooperationen.dkInterest organisationDetails

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