The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives. Our goal is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all. We draw on 60 years of experience and insights to better prepare the world of tomorrow. Together with governments, policy makers and…

5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021
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5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021

As world is rapidly changing in face of the COVID-19 crisis we highly recommend you reading this article by Lior Ipp from Roddenberry Foundation, explaining how social entrepreneurs can act differently in current year. 5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021 The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the fragility of global systems and…

Internship at Social Enterprise Estonia and moving towards a greener lifestyle.

Internship at Social Enterprise Estonia and moving towards a greener lifestyle.

I am Katerina Chantzi and I am a social scientist. I am very excited to be an intern at Social Enterprise Estonia during my studies at Tallinn University in Social Entrepreneurship Master’s Programme. I started my internship in June 2020, a time when we were slightly starting to get out of our lockdown “caves” and…

What is Impact Investing?

What is Impact Investing?

The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) defines impact investing as investment into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention of generating social or environmental impact alongside a financial return. The exact impact will depend on the investor’s goals, while the financial returns can range from below-market to market rate. Why Do We Care About Impact…

Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting
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Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting

We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, facing COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate every chance to interact with other people.  But what role does connecting play when it comes to entrepreneurship? We recommend you to read this article by Joanne Bond, executive leadership coach, discussing the importance and practice of connecting as a…

Estonian residents see entrepreneurship as an attractive career choice!   

Estonian residents see entrepreneurship as an attractive career choice!  

There is an important increase in the number of Estonians who think that the conditions in Estonia favour setting up a business, while fear of failure has decreased. (by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor study) There is an important increase in the number of Estonians who think that the conditions in Estonia favour setting up a business,…

Clarifying your mission and purpose
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Clarifying your mission and purpose

What’s your mission and purpose? For a social entrepreneur it’s a calling, if you will. A call within that is a culmination of life circumstances that strikes a chord of not-being-able-to-sit-back-anymore…something needs to change.  Your mission and purpose is born.   What’s a mission or purpose I believe everyone has a purpose in their life….

Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise
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Unleashing the Impact of your Social Enterprise

Recent exploration on worldwide known educational platform Coursera has lead to discovery of some valuable resources, which might help social entrepreneurs in defining the social impact of their social and commercial activities. As it is not always clear what to measure, how to measure and how to communicate the impact, there are some video interviews…