
6 Questions To Ask Before You Start A Social Enterprise
Eager to change the world? Here’s what you need to figure out before you can start. Treating diseases, addressing climate change, expanding access to healthy food or creating new methods of learning. These are just a few of the major social challenges that companies–yes, companies–are working to solve. Of course, the public and nonprofit sectors…

20 Best Social Enterprise Blogs & Websites
The best Social Enterprise blog list curated from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness. 1. NextBillion NextBillion.net is an open forum for discussion of social enterprise, poverty alleviation, and business development in emerging markets and beyond. Its goal is to stimulate discussion, raise awareness, and provide a…

Social innovation VS Social Entrepreneurship
Welcome to the Social Innovation | Social Entrepreneurship section. This section will help you understand the fundamentals of Social Innovation | Social Entrepreneurship. This section is not intended to be exhaustive list about everything “social”, but rather to give an overall view of what we see in the space. “Social innovation is the process of…

Mentorship program for Ukrainians in Vilnius
Let’s admit it – the best way to get to know a new city is with the help of a local. After all, if you’re staying for a longer period of time, you not only need to find a place to live – you also need to find a job, a kindergarten or school for…

The complete guide to growing and scaling your social enterprise
We’ve learned a few things in helping support over 900 social enterprises around the world scale their operations with the help of our Experteers, Capacity Building Programs, research, and educational programming. Our work has touched early stage, award-winning enterprises long before they reached international acclaim, including groups like Inyenyeri, Sistema B, M-KOPA, Ubongo and BEMPU….

The relationship between social entrepreneurship and sustainable development from economic growth perspective: 15 ‘RCEP’ countries
Social entrepreneurship plays a role in sustainable development to value creation, delivering and capturing, in this article, researchers attempted to find the nature of the relationships between the sustainable development and its latent variables, and how can these variables effect on sustainable development. Two models were used to estimate the relationships mentioned before, structural equation…

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Social enterprises combine societal goals with an entrepreneurial spirit. These organisations focus on achieving wider social, environmental or community objectives. The European Commission aims to create a favourable financial, administrative and legal environment for these enterprises so that they can operate on an equal footing with other types of enterprises in the same sector. The…

Social innovation drivers in social enterprises: systematic review
By gathering and organizing dispersed knowledge about the SI process in SEs, this paper can help the social entrepreneurs, policy makers and supporting organisations of SEs to direct their attention to appropriate drivers that can enhance the SE’s ability to innovate socially. The study examines how SI can be encouraged and managed effectively in the SE. By investigating the…

Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Concepts, and Tools
Social entrepreneurship and social innovation both seek to improve the world through social change. Whereas social entrepreneurship revolves around the business side of change, social innovation focuses on the processes through which that change is generated. This textbook provides a comprehensive analysis of both topics, covering all the characteristics and elements of social innovation and…

Social Innovation: Comparative perspectives
Social innovation is a topic that is more and more being discussed on both national and European levels (hence, the announcement of this being a strategic priority EU wide). To better be able to provide social impact in the society and find novel solutions also for operating social enterprises, it is necessary to explore how…

Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Case Studies in Portugal
Young people in western societies currently live in a paradoxical social condition: never has a generation been so qualified, nurturing high aspirations and expectations throughout school, regarding the value of employability and professional progression, while unemployment rates reach worrying values in younger population, a situation that is becoming structural. While discussing how the tools for the development of skills for…

Upshots of Intrinsic Traits on Social Entrepreneurship Intentions among Young Business Graduates
In this study they deliberated some personality traits that boost the intentions towards social entrepreneurships. These personality traits were LKM (loving-kindness meditation), compassion, and entrepreneurship resilience. These personality traits interacted with each other in this study to enhance social entrepreneurship intentions. It was proven that LKM motivated the persons towards social entrepreneurship with the help of their compassion quality,…

Rise Up: Understanding Youth Social Entrepreneurs and Their Ecosystems
In introducing Youth 2030, the UN strategy for supporting youth to turn their “ideas into action,” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres acknowledged that youth are “a vast source of innovation, ideas, and solutions” who are providing vital change and leadership on the global climate crisis, social justice, and technology – (United Nations 2018) As this UN initiative acknowledges, youth social entrepreneurs…

The role of social entrepreneurship for youth purpose development
Despite the burgeoning research on social entrepreneurship in recent years, there is limited research on youths as a context for theorizing. This article examines the influence of social entrepreneurship on youth development through the positive youth development perspective. It explores how youth participation in social entrepreneurial activities helps develop their sense of purpose in life. Using data from semi-structured…

Social business roadmap
The Social Business Roadmap has the aim to support young people in creating a social enterprise in 10 simple steps. It is an entrepreneurial guide tool for helping young people to make their first step in the social business world, as it’s easy to get lost on the entrepreneurial route, thus this small guide could…

HP Life online skills-training program
HP LIFE is a free, skills-training program for entrepreneurs, business owners, and lifelong learners all over the world. These free online training courses are designed to help entrepreneurs learn what they need to know to establish and grow a business. Besides a variety of extremely useful topics, one of the courses is specifically dedicated to social entrepreneurship….

For the organisations working with the youth
This toolbox helps organizations and organizers to plan, implement and communicate the positive changes that they aim to create with their initiative or organisation in the lives of young people. It has been designed to help to do, measure, improve their activities… and repeat! In other words – to be able to create a more positive impact. Besides providing more clarity…

Social impact communication in youth organisations and youth social enterprises
Within the project BALTIC: YOUTH: IMPACT, the Latvian Social Entrepreneurship Association together with the Baltic partners has developed Social Impact Communication Guidelines. The goal of social impact communication is to increase and scale the positive social and environmental impact. These guidelines aim to create support instruments to help employees or volunteers in youth organisations or social enterprises to communicate their social impact…

EaSI Technical Assistance for social enterprise finance
Social enterprises contribute to the European policy in the area of employment and social inclusion and are particularly relevant for the implementation of the rights and principles expressed in the European Pillar for Social Rights. The European Commission recognised the potential of social enterprises for innovation and their positive impact on the economy and society at large…

Campus StarterKit for developing Social entrepreneurship
When combined with the educator’s passion, expertise, and leadership skills, social entrepreneurship has the potential to engage students in any field of study to apply their knowledge and skills to address society’s most pressing problems. University-based social entrepreneurship programs also create capacity for faculty and staff to develop skills, ideas, and the integrative modes of…

Making Change: Youth Social Entrepreneurship as an Approach to Positive Youth and Community Development
Engaging youth as leaders of social change offers the exponential benefits of personal empowerment, community enhancement, and economic transformation. Grounded both in interdisciplinary theory and an expansive set of practical case examples, Making Change uses an asset focus and cultural relevance that centralizes youth and communities in social entrepreneurship, while introducing vocabulary and frameworks for…

Official Launch of the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda
2 Jul 2020 – Briefing by Mr. Elliot Harris, UN Chief Economist and Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development as well as a youth social entrepreneur, on the 2020 World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda. The 2020 edition of the World Youth Report focuses on youth social entrepreneurship with a view to…

We recommend the latest article “Potential of social economy for a more democratic, just and fair future” by Sara Bombardieri, the expert at Policy & Projects dpt. at @SocialEcoEU https://eyes-on-europe.eu/wp-content/uploads/Eyes-on-Europe-n36_web_compressed.pdf This publication has been prepared within INDIGISE project. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the…

How to participate in the Erasmus+ for Young Entrepreneurs Programme
The European exchange programme for Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs helps provide aspiring European entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start and/or successfully run a small business in Europe. New entrepreneurs gather and exchange knowledge and business ideas with an experienced entrepreneur, with whom they stay and collaborate for a period of 1 to 6 months….

Laern more about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border programme facilitating the exchange of entrepreneurial and management experience. The exchange is implemented by a stay of a newly established or potential entrepreneur with a well-experienced entrepreneur running a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) in another country. Since its launch in 2009, the scheme’s number of applications from…

Check the Social Economy Talks podcasts!
“Social Economy Talks” is a Podcast series from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. It will follow a journey of discovery (narrated by team member Nicholas Clark) aimed at elucidating social economy success stories and roles regarding the green transition, diversity and migrant entrepreneurship, digitalisation, COVID recovery…

Youth initiative: a framework for youth entrepreneurship
We want to share with you the report written by Rossella Soldi (Progress Consulting S.r.l.) and Simona Cavallini (Fondazione FORMIT). It does not represent the official views of the Committee of the Regions. Read the whole document here: https://cor.europa.eu/en/engage/studies/Documents/Youth_initiative/youth-initiative.pdf More information on the European Union and the Committee of the Regions is available online at http://www.europa.eu…

Calling all youth social entrepreneurs!
In 2022 EC adopted the Social Economy Action Plan, which you can read on EC’s website (link below) or find more info on our platform. There are also more great opportunities to come, including the ones targeting youth! Read the intro from the www.socialeconomy.eu.org website! Dearest friends of the European Social Economy community, Last…

Social innovation in the Baltic Sea Region
It is not a secret that social innovation is on the hype for the last few years and this is going to stay, at least in Europe. Several structural fund programs and initiatives are focused on the promotion, support and implementation of social innovation. The “broadness” of social innovation is incomprehensible, hence, debates occur often: “What is social…

The EU Pact for Skills – Skills partnership for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem
Today we recommend another great reading and educational material on the social economy – The EU Pact for Skills – Skills partnership for the Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem. While it has been severely affected by the COVID-19 crisis, the proximity and social economy ecosystem has shown a particular resilience and a great potential to…

YBI launches Green & Social Entrepreneurship Month
Throughout our global network, we are seeing more and more young entrepreneurs build businesses that deliver profit with purpose. They are the entrepreneurs working to solve some of the greatest environmental and social challenges of our time and will play a vital role in creating a more equitable and sustainable world for us all. It…

Social entrepreneurship teaching resources handbook
Social entrepreneurship education has grown dramatically from the first class taught at Harvard University by Dr. Greg Dees in the mid 1990’s and the first European course at the University of Geneva in Switzerland co-taught by Maximilian Martin and Pamela Hartigan from the Schwab Foundation in 2003. This book will be of great help to everyone embarking on path…

Innovative Social Entrepreneurship: Development of Youth Social Activity
The aim of the work is to study the accelerators of social initiatives as a specific social environment and the practice of experimental testing and development of innovative social entrepreneurship of youth. The orientation of the individual towards social entrepreneurship and the development of readiness for it can only partially be explained through the prospects of a future career. In many…

Entrepreneurial Literacy and Social Entrepreneurship Intentions among Youth
The youth will be the leaders of the country and the determinants of the continuity of government in the future. Malaysia now has many young entrepreneurs, but not all young entrepreneurs have basic knowledge in entrepreneurship and apply social entrepreneurship theory while running their businesses. The study’s findings show that the level of entrepreneurial literacy and the level of social…

Systemic Design Principles in Social Innovation: A Study of Expert Practices and Design Rationale
In recent decades, design has expanded from a practice aimed at designing things to one that helps to address complex societal challenges. In this context, a field of practice called systemic design has emerged, which combines elements of systems thinking with elements of design. We use a case study approach to investigate how expert practitioners carry out systemic…

Tackling Green and Social Washing with Ethical Finance
This is the fourth and final episode of the miniseries Finance4Good. In this episode we introduce the ideas of green and social washing from the perspective of investors, and how the EU try to tackle the issue through an EU Taxonomy and through global investment movements such as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing. The…

Buying for social impact – Good practice from around the EU
Buying for Social Impact (BSI) is a project commissioned by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) to promote the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures. The project was carried out by a consortium of European organisations…

How can social innovation and social entrepreneurship build the resilience of the future workforce?
With digitalization, globalization and an aging population the landscape of work is rapidly changing. Projections show that in the next 10 years in the workforce constant upskilling and digital dexterity will outweigh tenure and experience. Hence, young people and adults are confronted with navigating a highly interconnected and volatile world where the jobs, technologies and societal…

Podcast on Impact Measurement, Citizen Participation and Governance
Welcome to Episode three of Social EcPodcast Miniseries – Finance 4 Good! In this episode we build upon the previous two episodes, in which we introduced the opportunities that citizens have to save their money in ethical finance institutions, where they can be sure that their money will be used in truly green and social…

DALBA – Beer that means more
Meet DALBA, social enterprise which is a part of NESs’t Fund network which is investing in entrepreneurial solutions that lift people out of poverty. In spite of Poland’s strong economic growth, many find it difficult to secure stable employment and reliable wages. More than 18% of young people under the age of 30 are unemployed, with…

Youth Building Skills and Gaining Opportunities Through Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation
“Nearly 90% of young people today live in low and middle-income countries. Around 200 million adolescent people are not in education programs and 13% of young people globally are unemployed. This presents numerous challenges and hinders young people from acquiring skills which will be useful for their further development and activation in society. However social…

Young People and Social Innovation in Europe
By Ljupka Janevska. “Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing a new social innovation is to solve different systemic issues that will hopefully contribute in increasing the enviorenment value. However,…

Third Sector and Social Economy – what is the difference?
Two terms that can often be encountered in the context of social entrepreneurship and social innovation are “third sector” and “social economy”. However, they are significantly less self-explanatory than the more commonly known “non-governmental sector”, “the non-profit sector” or “the charity sector”. To confuse things more, in scholarly articles “third sector” and “social economy” often seem to be used interchangeably. But what do these…

The Social Economy, the Future of Europe The Social Economy, the Future of Europe – report from the meeting during the Frensh Presidency of the Council of EU
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is one of the pillars on which the European Union intends to build its resilience, an objective affirmed by the European Commission on 9 December 2021, when it presented a new action plan on the social economy. European Ministers responsible for the Social Economy will meet in Paris on…

Model and invitation to Impact Procurement in Lithuania
Impact Procurement: New Opportunities for Social Businesses and NGOs to Develop Quality Public Services and Collaborate with Municipalities A procurement model where the ordering of municipal services is not based on the purchase of a specific service but on the purchase of results is called impact procurement. The municipality identifies the partners in the field…

Get to know asperIT Foundation from Poland, who joined the NEEST portfolio in 2021!
NEEST provides a portfolio with tailored financial support, business mentoring and strategic networking over a five-year period. NESsT offers investment packages up to $150,000 in the form of grants, patient working capital loans and recoverable grants over a five-year period. We encourage co-investments and are proactive towards introducing you to our co-investment partners. Our team also…

6 Lessons for a More Human-Centered Leadership Practice
It is no secret that human-centered design thinking is an approach to problem-solving that is perfectly suited for social economy organizations, social innovators and changemakers tackling complex societal issues. What is more, while the importance of leadership is by now more and more recognized in different types organizations across all sectors, rarely is inspiring leadership as crucial as in social…

DIY Toolkit: practical tools to trigger and support social innovation
DIY stands for “Development, Impact and You” and the DIY Toolkit is a digital platform with a collection of practical social innovation tools for social innovators, entrepreneurs and changemakers to help them invent, adopt or adapt ideas that create a social impact. DIY Toolkit has been created by NESTA in partnership with Rockefeller Foundation. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzSvjYRuCQ8[/embedyt] Key…

Leadership programme for girls
Future Heroes is a growth mindset-driven leadership & entrepreneurship program for girls aged 13 -17 to unlock their potential and create positive impact in the world. Future Heroes program is also a competition and every hero should come prepared for a fair battle! The program consists of 7 workshops, all held in English and free…

#MySocialRights video competition for youth!
Full info: https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=89&furtherNews=yes&newsId=10066#navItem-1 Are you interested in social rights in Europe? Looking for an opportunity to shine a light on social issues that matter to you? Then read on! The #MySocialRights video competition will give you the opportunity to show your ideas and hopes for the future of social Europe and tell us what it means…

Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook
Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook (2021) Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Camp Methodology Handbook is an outline of the guidelines for organizing innovation camps or similar events with strong focus on social entrepreneurship. This Handbook has been developed in the framework of the INDIGISE project, that is focused on young people, who are looking for positive…

From Tczew with Love
“Szafa serc”/Wardrobe of Hearts/ Charity Shop is a new social initiative based in Tczew, Poland, which started its’ activity in June this year. Recently we’ve visited “Szafa Serc”, as we were interested in finding out on our own how the 1st charity shop in Tczew works. We were amazed by the warm welcome, the genuine…

EU Youth Guarantee supporting unemployed youth!
What is the reinforced Youth Guarantee? The reinforced Youth Guarantee is a commitment by all Member States to ensure that all young people under the age of 30 receive a good quality offer of employment continued education apprenticeship traineeship within a period of four months of becoming unemployed or leaving education. All EU countries have committed to…

Social Economy entities from Pomorskie Region will be present at the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland!
Social Economy Support Centre from Gdańsk (dobrarobota.org) invites you to Pomorska Street in Gdańsk during the St. Dominics Fair in Gdańsk, Poland, where you will find stands of social economy entities from all over Pomerania! Our exhibitors will sell their products from July 24 to August 15, 2021, on Szeroka Street and Ołowianka Street. Social…

Numerous studies show that today’s young people are highly motivated to generate positive social change (Lewis, 2016; Punadi and Rizal, 2017). Social entrepreneurship may have great potential to mobilize youth to engage in efforts to achieve major social objectives, including employment creation, poverty reduction, inclusion and integration. Dedicated to serving the common good, social enterprises…

Social Enterprises and the Future of Public Services – An Interview with Scott Darraugh, CEO of Social adVentures
The Social Enterprise UK invites us to a great webinar to be carried out next week, on July 15th 12:00 (London), where Scott Darraugh, CEO of Social adVentures, will be talking about transforming the delivery of care services. In Salford, Greater Manchester, one social enterprise is radically changing how a community can address health inequalities through redefining what is possible…

Read the latest guidelines “How to stimulate social entrepreneurship via non-formal and informal learning methods”
Although young people constitute a substantial part of citizens worldwide, they are not fully recognised in policies and strategies, as a separate group of interest. They play a crucial role in societal and economic development and are often referred to as „agents of change“. Simultaneously, the unemployment of youth is one of the greatest global challenges. Social entrepreneurship is…

How social entrepreneurship helps to educate the world?
How do social entrepreneurs and the projects they create impact the world at large? Maximillian Goetz, founder of the non-profit organization Robotics for All, discusses his experiences with social entrepreneurship and the real-world impacts he has witnessed firsthand. Maximilian Goetz is a first-year student at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. In April 2017, he…

50 Social Entrepreneurs Changing the World
Before we jump into a list of some of our favorite social entrepreneurs, it’s worth a brief mention of what social entrepreneurship is in the first place. Social entrepreneurship, as a movement and as a term, is moving aggressively into the mainstream. And with this rise in popularity, more and more change agents are racing…

The Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship
1. What is Social Entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship uses business to offer new ideas for wide-scale social and environmental impact. Social entrepreneurship unites the passion of a social mission with an image of business-like discipline, innovation, and determination. Many social entrepreneurs launch whole new ventures applying innovative and often risk-taking approaches to create scalable solutions, which…

Calling all young entrepreneurs – report “Mapping of Barriers to Social Inclusion of Young People in Vulnerable Situations”
The report called “Finding a place in modern Europe” by Authors: Jelena Markovic Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez Sever Dzigurski, With the support of the researchers of the steering group for this project: Howard Williamson, Magda Nico and Syika Kovacheva was published recently here: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/47261689/Finding-09-2015.pdf/a1045d8f-a4c7-4889-b1a1-e783e470858b There are two main purposes for this report, which we highly recommend:…

Regional Strategies for the Social Economy – OECD Report with examples from France, Spain, Sweden and Poland
This paper by OECD https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/industry-and-services/regional-strategies-for-the-social-economy_76995b39-en explores the linkages between regional strategies for the social economy and regional development in four EU countries: France, Spain, Sweden and Poland. It provides a comparative perspective of regional strategies for the social economy (Section 1), based on i) the level of recognition of the social economy itself, ii) multi-level…

Handbook for trainers in Social Entrepreneurship
The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development presents the handbook created for trainers regarding the training courses in Social Economy and Entrepreneurship. The educational material was created in the framework of the European project ERASMUS+ entitled “Open Mind – gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study”. Open Mind…

5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021
As world is rapidly changing in face of the COVID-19 crisis we highly recommend you reading this article by Lior Ipp from Roddenberry Foundation, explaining how social entrepreneurs can act differently in current year. 5 ways social enterprise funders can act differently in 2021 The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the fragility of global systems and…

The Best Podcast for Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers
Through The Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Podcast delivered by Grow Ensemble, host Cory Ames and his expert guests shed light on social entrepreneurship, discussing the experience of running, growing, and sustaining successful sustainable businesses, social enterprises, and nonprofits. Episodes explore a range of topics about the missions and causes these businesses have ingrained into their operations, as well as their successes…

The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth
‘The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth’ is a material developed in 2015, just after the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed on to follow by 2030. Although some time has passed, this resource still constitutes a valuable document to be studied by children and young people, as well as youth workers to learn and…

Pioneers Post – The Social Enterprise Magazine
If you are not familiar with Pioneers Post yet, we encourage you to check the independent news network for the global impact community. As a journalism platform, it provides insights for pioneers across the impact economy, from social entrepreneurs and impact investors, to changemakers working across business, civil society, philanthropy, government, and public services. Pioneers Post is the specialist news and…

A creative approach to sustainability can be applied upon an organization’s business model. Authors begin their research with the assumption that business model innovation that takes into account a triple bottom line approach will be more sustainable over time. They focus their research on the conceptual stage when business model ideas are generated, and more precisely its creative tools. Their…

UpLink – a place where ideas can become a reality
Imagine you had a ‘eureka’ moment – an idea for a new way of doing something that could, in some way, make the world a better place. How would you go about turning that idea into reality? One place you could go, is UpLink, a platform which lets anyone from anywhere in the world submit their ideas…

Campus StarterKit for faculty and staff
The Campus Starter Kit is designed to help higher education leaders build hubs of social innovation by tapping into the creativity and ingenuity of the campus community. While every campus is unique in its institutional identity and culture, educational vision, and student body, we hope to provide broadly applicable resources to help foster awareness and…

MIRO – where teams get works done
The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere. For a while, we’ve been hearing that remote work and therefore remote jobs are the trend of the future. However, in 2020 there are enough people working across different offices, satellite hubs, coworking spaces, cafes, home offices, and backyard sheds on a given day that it’s clear: “remote…

Handbook for trainers in Social Entrepreneurship
The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development presents the handbook created for trainers regarding the training courses in Social Economy and Entrepreneurship. The educational material was created in the framework of the European project ERASMUS+ entitled “Open Mind – gamified platform and open online course in Social Entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study”. Open Mind…

Raising Venture Capital With Impact – Webinar Series in Feb-Mar
The EIB Institute is hosting a series of five webinars on “Raising venture capital with impact” with Wladimir Nikoluk from ImmerLearn . This series will explore how entrepreneurs can successfully use impact measurement to raise funding from existing and emerging venture capital funds. Session 1: Raising venture capital with impact – An introduction General introduction to trends…

Ashoka – Everyone a Changemaker
Ashoka is an international organization that promotes social entrepreneurship by affiliating individual social entrepreneurs into the Ashoka organization. Their stated mission is “to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers”. Ashoka identifies and supports the world’s leading social entrepreneurs,…

We recommend this scholarly article on youth social entrepreneurship available here: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324359854_THE_YOUTH’S_PERSPECTIVE_TO_SOCIAL_ENTREPRENEURSHIP_DEVELOPMENT Urmanaviciene, Audrone & Raisiene, Agota. (2018). THE YOUTH’S PERSPECTIVE TO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT. A tendency to developing social entrepreneurship that aims at contributing to society’s welfare is evident globally. An increase in youth social entrepreneurship in Lithuania is also observed. However, it is not…

Co-funded by the EEA grants project SOCIAL INNOVATORS presents an innovative model of simultaneously addressing the challenges of high rates of youth unemployment and low employment rate in NGO sector, which all present a tremendous waste of human potential and missed opportunities for greater contribution to the social transformation not only in partner countries but…

Do you know youth support programme “YOUTH PROP UP”?
The Youth Prop Up action plan is part of the wider Estonian Youth Guarantee National Action Plan initiated by the European Union. The main aim is in supporting young people in need, who may have been made redundant or have not completed their education and are not currently studying. The programme attempts to assist them in realising their potential…

New EU & Council of Europe study „Social inclusion, digitalisation and young people”
This study aims to explore the existing state of play when it comes to digitalisation and social inclusion of young people. The overall question leading this study was: “What is the intersection between social inclusion and digitalisation?” Read the full report here: https://pjp-eu.coe.int/documents/42128013/47261953/053120+Study+on+SID+Web.pdf/0057379c-2180-dd3e-7537-71c468f3cf9d?fbclid=IwAR34n763ROD8XTkGeUVk-vHCL8dVBXZQchdSL4SqCfG_ykpRm9JPX94Yt7c Executive summary: Social inclusion is a process that enables a young person to…

Knowledge capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship: Investigating the role of informal institutions
Abstract This paper utilizes the lenses of knowledge capital and institutional theories to examine the role knowledge capital plays in the context of entry into social versus commercial entrepreneurship. We also investigate the moderating role of national culture in the relationship between knowledge capital and entrepreneurship. Using data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, we find…

See How Young Entrepreneurs Are Transforming Communities Worldwide
Today’s young social entrepreneurs are driving change in new and unexpected ways. In these videos prepared by YouthActionNet Fellows , Laureate Global Fellows share their motivations, their inspiration, and what makes their ventures unique. Watch Goal Getters series to learn how Fellows are advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Some of the brightest youth social innovation and social entrepreneurship…

Social INTRApreneurs – How Do They Contribute To The Common Good?
In order to achieve the SDGs, it is very clear that we need an economy built on the principles of accountability, inclusivity, and sustainability. We believe that companies can remodel business into a force for good, even beyond the model of stakeholder capitalism. But it takes strong individuals and changemakers from within powerful organizations to ignite and drive real change….

Why empowering female social entrepreneurs is key to economic recovery?
We highly recommend reading the article below, which is a part of the Davos Agenda. “The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of our complex, interdependent world. The pandemic itself will not transform the world, but it has accelerated systemic changes that…

Listen and learn – podcast “Social Economy for the full Inclusion of People with Disabilities”
Welcome to “Social Economy Talks”, a new podcast from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. This is yet another chance to learn from the best practitioners and experts on social economy in Europe! It will follow a journey of discovery (narrated by team member Nicholas Clark) aimed at…

19 EU states signed Toledo Declaration promoting social and solidarity economy
In December 2020 the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy organised a summit in Toledo. Nineteen EU member states have committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy through, during a summit organised by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy. The European confederation of industrial and service co-operatives (Cecop) welcomed the Toledo Declaration,…

Linking Social Impact with Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competence Building
There are different understandings of social impact, which covers “a common good”, “common actions for social good”, “engaging people into social campaigns”, “helping/caring for people”, anything that makes communities prosper. The need of boosting the social impact is explained by the concept of Doughnut Economics, which recognizes the inseparable connection between the economy and environmental and…

“Unravel Tomorrow” MOOC Available for Social Entrepreneurs and Innovators
The “Unravel Tomorrow Learning Journey” offers learning resources to support educators, empowering new social entrepreneurs and social innovators to think about and learn from the experiences of changemakers, strengthen skills and develop ideas to take action. This digital course invites Learners to investigate new perspectives, think about what is emerging, be inspired by and learn…

We highly recommend this interview with Ivon Cepeda by Igone Guerra, about the Students4Change project developed within the Erasmus+ program: Capacity Building the Field of Higher Education. How to boost Social Innovation in Academy: an insight based on the Students4Change project by Ivon Cepeda | Dec 28, 2020 | Social Innovation Academy Students4Change was an extraordinary project that combined…

Guide to Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Events – Youth in Focus
The project “Prosoa Rural – Promoting Social Awareness in Rural Area” aims to develop materials that support educators in rural training centers so that they can transmit these values to young people. The materials prepared are based on a methodology focused on the promotion of active participation and social entrepreneurship linked to the conservation of Cultural…

Reporting Innovation: Act to Inspire & Inspire to Act 2020
Over the past two years, Axfoundation has created alliances and collaborations with some 225 partners including private sector as the main driver, contributing to positive development in society by exploring new solutions. By using business as an accelerator to drive long-term change, Axfoundation has tackled sustainability challenges related to the things we buy, the food…

Koch Internship Program for Careers in Social Entrepreneurship
The Koch Internship Program (KIP) is a paid dynamic experiential internship program in U.S. It blends educational opportunities with real work experience. While participating in KIP, interns are placed at non-profit organizations and spend their week working on important issues that affect our world. Every week, interns attend professional development sessions that build the skills needed to contribute effectively in the workplace. Through KIP, interns learn…

Social Enterprises and Their Ecosystems in Europe – Comparative Synthesis Report
“Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Comparative synthesis report” provides an overview of the social enterprise landscape in Europe based on information available as of January 2020. It covers (i) the historical background and conditions of the emergence of social enterprises; (ii) the evolution of the concept and the existing national policy and legal framework…

Unlocking the Potential of Rural Social Enterprises
To discover benefits of social entrepreneurship activities in rural areas and understand the rural environment that constitutes both challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs, Artur Steiner and Simon Teasdale have conceptualized the operation of rural social enterprises, outlining their dependence on three main domains: geographic (or rural) domain – constitute both challenge and opportunities, as rural…

Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting
We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, facing COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate every chance to interact with other people. But what role does connecting play when it comes to entrepreneurship? We recommend you to read this article by Joanne Bond, executive leadership coach, discussing the importance and practice of connecting as a…

Hubro Education – Business simulations
Simulations are the ultimate way to tie theory and practice together. Hubro Education allows students to run virtual companies with their award-winning online business simulation game. Hubro Education offers three online business simulation games: Business simulation: Run a production company in a group, in direct competition with other students. Manage production, investments, pricing and financing of a virtual…

Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education
This report presents the results from the project “Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education”, which focused on the mini-company method. Mini-companies combine practical and theoretical learning and stimulate collaboration between school and working life. The main objective of the project was to analyse the impact of entrepreneurship education and understand what is needed to reach the European goal,…

The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems
Michael Porter
Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World known economist, Michael Porter admits he’s biased, as a Harvard Business School professor, but he wants people to hear his case for letting business try to solve massive problems like climate change and access to water. Why? Because when business solves a…

Social Innovation Academy E-learning Tool
Social Innovation Academy E-learning is a freely available tool to gain theoretical and practical insights on what social innovation is really about. Complemented with tons of examples on social innovation initiatives and activities of social enterprises, learning material supports readers in reflecting on their own social innovation ideas. After a short introduction on social innovation, various learning modules are presented to…

Travel Massive: Social Enterprises in Tourism Presented
The Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism Competition is the first worldwide competition focusing on social innovation and entrepreneurship in tourism. More than 20 finalists were selected by the Travel Massive community this year through public voting. Each participant has created a short video about own project for the judging panel. Check out these highly inspiring videos! And other tourism business ideas published on Travel…

How business can be used to create value beyond profit?
Real Value is an independent award-winning economics documentary exploring how today’s social entrepreneurs and thought leaders are re-envisioning business as a powerful force for positive social change – creating long-term and sustainable value in their communities by putting people and planet over profit. It is about connecting motivational stories from social entrepreneurs working in agriculture,…

UPSHIFT, UNICEF’s flagship social innovation programme
There are 1.8 billion young people in the world today, nearly 90 per cent of whom live in low- and middle-income countries — the largest cohort ever. Yet globally more than 200 million adolescents are out of school and youth unemployment is 13% globally; 3 times higher than the rate for adults. There are many different reasons…

A Recipe Book for Social Finance – A Practical Guide on Designing and Implementing Initiatives to Develop Social Finance Instruments and Markets
European Commission prepared a guide that is intended to facilitate access to social finance by encouraging investors to provide suitable supply or build capacity for sound demand. While respecting the various organisational models and social missions of social enterprises, we want to see how external social finance can help implement their business models, especially as they…

What’s the relation between entrepreneurship education and innovation?
As part of the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we would like to recommend you this hypothesis and theory article exploring the relationship between entrepreneurship education and innovation. ‘How Does the Entrepreneurship Education Influence the Students’ Innovation? Testing on the Multiple Mediation Model’ by Xingjian Wei, Xiaolang Liu and Jian Sha INTRODUCTION: Entrepreneurship education cultivates innovative talents, which are an…

How to be a social entrepreneur?
For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8LVa9pb-n8[/embedyt] Andy Stoll – a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which is one of the largest entrepeneurship & education – support foundations in the world….

How does emotion influence the creativity evaluation of exogenous alternative ideas?
The interaction of emotions with creative cognition is one of the most intriguing topics in the creativity research. The study of Serena Mastria, Sergio Agnoli and Giovanni Emanuele Corazza has investigated the extent to which various emotional states influence the evaluation of ideas, which is a crucial component of the creative thinking process. To this end, emotional (both…

Are you thinking about becoming a young social entrepreneur? Find the inspiration and best practices from Pomorskie region SE entities.
Today we would like to present you the catalogue of products and services of social economy entities operating in the Pomorskie region area in northern Poland. It was prepared bu the Social Economy Support Centre from Gdansk – OWES Dobra Robota www.dobrarobota.org. The user-friendly material contains offers from fifty local entities cooperating with the Social…

Calling all youth – Buy Social!
Buy Social for a Better World is a campaign which draws attention to social enterprises, highlighting their incredible impact. We encourage youth all around the Baltic Sea Region to engage and take part, learn more about the concept and help to build a better world by Buying Social in their area. Social enterprises are organisations that…

Where is entrepreneurship education heading?
What challenges of today’s world is the social entrepreneurship education facing? Should its’ content be reshaped and if so – how it should be done to make it effective? As one of our main objectives at the social-impact-oriented Erasmus+ project – IndigiSE is to promote the concept of social entrepreneurship among youth and shape youth entrepreneurial mindset. Thus…

Models for scaling the impact of youth entrepreneurship programmes
Youth entrepreneurship is recognised as a crucial driver for sustainable economic development, therefore has being promoted for the last decade. However, youth unemployement rates still demonstrated the need for scaling the impact of youth entrepreneurship programmes to fulfil the potential of young people and help them to create jobs, build communities and transform lives. Scaling…

The 2020 World Youth Report on Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda
Check the latest UN report about the youth social entrepreneurship that could help unemployed or excluded youth to seek their path. It is especially important in the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, that has worsened job prospect for so many young people. The World Youth Report: Youth Social Entrepreneurship and the 2030 Agenda aims to present how…

Am I a Social Entrepreneur?
Jason Aviles
Youtube video is here. Are you a social entrepreneur? Jason Aviles, born and raised in The Bronx, tells his inspiring story of working professionally with youth and what lead him to adopting a Yoga lifestyle and transforming his life. While on his journey of service and self discovery, he takes a moment to reflect on…

Social Innovation Trends 2020-2030
The beginning of 21st century has marked the significance of Social Innovation development for tackling social, political, economic and environmental challenges. The next decade, according to Frost and Sullivan (The Whitepaper Social Innovation to answer Societal Challenges., 2014), will be characterized by ‘the need to harmonize multiple types of innovation to address complex and interlinked…
Tøyen Unlimited
Tøyen Unlimited is a neighborhood incubator that supports local enthusiasts with innovative ideas, in solving local social challenges, through the establishment and continued operation of revenue generating companies with ideal form and social purpose. TU is thus an investment in location-based social entrepreneurship. Tøyen Unlimited’s point of departure is that solutions to the challenges in…

Corporate Impact Analysis Tool by UNEP FI
Picture taken from Corporate Impact Measurement tool Initially Corporate Impact Analysis Tool was developed for banks and investors to gain a cross-cutting view of the impact status and possibilities of their clients and investee companies. Based on the Positive Impact Initiative’s unique approach, it provides a holistic analysis of companies’ impacts across different sectors and countries….

Social Enterprise as a Mechanism of Youth Empowerment
Liang Shang from the City University of Hong Kong and Yanto Chandra from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have developed explicit research on the youth empowerment mechanisms applied in Social Entrepreneurship as a practice-based learning activity implemented in the Hong Kong University. The research poses a research question “How do social enterprises empower its beneficiaries?”…