
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Here you can find learning materials specially designed for youth. Materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Knowledge capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship: Investigating the role of informal institutions

Abstract This paper utilizes the lenses of knowledge capital and institutional theories to examine the role knowledge capital plays in the context of entry into social versus commercial entrepreneurship. We also investigate the moderating role [...]

See How Young Entrepreneurs Are Transforming Communities Worldwide

Today's young social entrepreneurs are driving change in new and unexpected ways. In these videos prepared by YouthActionNet Fellows , Laureate Global Fellows share their motivations, their inspiration, and what makes their ventures unique. Watch Goal Getters [...]

Social INTRApreneurs – How Do They Contribute To The Common Good?

In order to achieve the SDGs, it is very clear that we need an economy built on the principles of accountability, inclusivity, and sustainability. We believe that companies can remodel business into a force for good, even [...]

Why empowering female social entrepreneurs is key to economic recovery?

We highly recommend reading the article below, which is a part of the Davos Agenda. "The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that no institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges [...]

Listen and learn – podcast “Social Economy for the full Inclusion of People with Disabilities”

Welcome to “Social Economy Talks”, a new podcast from Social Economy Europe about the most relevant upcoming issues in the social economy sphere. This is yet another chance to learn from the best practitioners and experts [...]

19 EU states signed Toledo Declaration promoting social and solidarity economy

In December 2020 the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy organised a summit in Toledo. Nineteen EU member states have committed to promoting the social and solidarity economy through, during a summit organised by [...]