
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Here you can find learning materials specially designed for youth. Materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Social Enterprises and Their Ecosystems in Europe – Comparative Synthesis Report

"Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe. Comparative synthesis report" provides an overview of the social enterprise landscape in Europe based on information available as of January 2020. It covers (i) the historical background and conditions [...]

Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting

We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, facing COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate every chance to interact with other people.  But what role does connecting play when it comes to [...]

Hubro Education – Business simulations

Simulations are the ultimate way to tie theory and practice together. Hubro Education allows students to run virtual companies with their award-winning online business simulation game. Hubro Education offers three online business simulation games: Business simulation: Run a [...]

Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education

This report presents the results from the project "Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education", which focused on the mini-company method. Mini-companies combine practical and theoretical learning and stimulate collaboration between school and working life. The main objective of [...]

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The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems |Michael Porter

Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World known economist, Michael Porter admits he's biased, as a Harvard Business School professor, but he wants people to hear his case for [...]