Practical support for social business in Sweden – take a look in the list of main stakeholders

Nr 1: Mötesplats Social Innovation Meeting place Social Innovation, MSI is scaled up and established across the country. Luleå University of Technology, Jönköping University, Malmö University, Stockholm University, Umeå University and Örebro University are the main parties for the establishment, which is supported by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation authority. The platform will increase knowledge and create…

Nemokamos verslumo erdvės „Spiečius“
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Nemokamos verslumo erdvės „Spiečius“

Bendro darbo  centrai „Spiečius“, kur pradedantieji verslininkai gali ne tik nemokamai gauti visiškai įrengtą darbo vietą, bet ir verslo konsultacijas, yra viena sėkmingiausių šiuo metu valstybės taikomų priemonių smulkiajam verslui regionuose skatinti. Rudenį duris atvers dar du bendradarbystės centrai „Spiečius“. Siekdama skatinti verslumą regionuose. Lietuvos  Ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerija juos įkurdins Kėdainiuose ir Marijampolėje. Šios…


New report on youth entrepreneurship in Baltic Sea Region countries

Project “Entrepreneurial mindset development within youth sector” (ENT-MIND) was started in September 2017. The main objective of the project was to research the available support and existing culture of entrepreneurial mindset among young people in the Baltic Sea Region countries and propose new methodologies and relevant tools that would contribute to development of entrepreneurial mindset of…

“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”
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“Theorizing On Social Enterprise Behaviors In Challenging Environments – Evidence From Five Social Cooperatives In Poland”

This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region.   We recommend great reading on polish social entrepreneurship sector by PhD Marzena Starnawska from Gdansk Technical University. Her paper:  THEORIZING ON…

Creative Social Enterprise Business Model Ideas: 10 Ways to Address Affordability

Creative Social Enterprise Business Model Ideas: 10 Ways to Address Affordability

We highly recommend this text on social entrepreneurship business models by Danielle Sutton on Acumen website. This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region. +Acumen offers world-class online courses that empower you…

Read the newset article: ‘Social Entrepreneurship Education: Is it Achieving the Desired Aims?”

Read the newset article: ‘Social Entrepreneurship Education: Is it Achieving the Desired Aims?”

We recommend a very recent research article (2019) on social entrepreneurship “Social Entrepreneurship Education: Is it Achieving the Desired Aims?” by  Debbi D. Brock and Susan D Steiner. This content is delivered to you in the framework of the SEBS2 project co-funded by the Erasmus+, as our aim is to popularize social business and social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea…