Nordic Social Entrepreneurship 3.0
Nordic Social Entrepreneurship 3.0 (NSE 3.0) is a new, free online educational program that aims to upgrade adult professionals and improve their ability to start a social enterprise themselves.
Compleating the programe will give participants a better opportunity to contribute with solutions to actual societal and economic challenges by creating alternative social business models in traditional professions. The programe is developed for adult learners from from traditional professions, but is also open to younger people, who want to develop a social idea into a social enterprise.
NSE 3.0 program provides students with better opportunities to contribute to solutions to actual societal and economic challenges by creating alternative socio-economic business models in traditional sectors and occupations.
Through the program it is possible to work more in depth with your idea. You learn to identify a social problem and to see how a possible idea and solution can be translated into a project or a business model that could be realized as a social enterprise.
NSE 3.0 It consists of seven modules -1 Introduction 2) Understand, 3) Ideate 4) Decide 5) Prototype, 6) Test and 7) Launch.
More specifically the programe will take you through a process where you are introduced to social entrepreneurship as a way to help solve the challenges the world is facing. You learn to understand the social problem you want to work with in depth, to develop ideas for a business that can solve the problem you have identified, to decide the idea you what to focus on, to build a protype, to test you idea and finally you get a range of advice on how you could launch your social enterprise (this advice is targeted participants from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland).
NSE 3.0 is built around design thinking theory and you will be presented to a range of different digital tools and methods throughout the programe as well as a lot of extra inspirational material like videos, podcast and extra readings etc..
NSE 3.0 is available in english, danish and swedish language.
The Nordic Social Entrepreneurship 3.0 program is relevant to you if:
- You have a background in a traditional profession, and want to work with social entrepreneurship
- You have a social idea and would like to develop it into a regular social enterprise
- If you already run a socially responsible enterprise or social enterprise that you want to further develop
Through the program, you can gain insight and skills in several areas, and you will through cases learn about how others have made important experiences and been successful with their work, among other things. by using very simple methods, purposefully and strategically. You will gain knowledge of several concepts, different methods and forms of work that are used in the work with social entrepreneurship. This includes following:
- social entrepreneurship as a field of work and innovative initiatives
- agile innovation (Agile development is about minimizing the total time through a process of building-measuring-teacher in order to achieve the greatest possible value for the target group),
- digital technologies to develop, document and measure work
- alternative business and operational models such as sharing / collaboration / on-demand economics, shared ownership and platform cooperatives
- circular economy, human centered design, , etc.
- product-service-innovation systems, etc.
The program is based on homework and completion of tasks from module to module.
The actors behind Nordic Social Entrepreneurship 3.0
NSE 3.0 is by supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers and is developed by organizations from Norway, Sweden and Finland. The partners behind are Finnish EdTech company that develops technological solutions and tools, Claned Group, Oslo International Hub, which is a startup incubator and an innovation office with a focus on helping foreigners living in Norway and Folkuniversitetet in Sweden, which is a popular educational institution with branches throughout Sweden and Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark, an national support organization for social entrepreneurs in Denmark.
If you are interested in having free access to the NSE 3.0 program or want to know more, contact:
Jean Pierre Candiotti Bustamante:
Per Bach:
This publication has been prepared within SENBS project No. 2020- 1-EE01-KA204-077999. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the project coordinator and may not always reflect the views of the European Commission or the National Agency.