
Platform Documentation
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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

Get to know asperIT Foundation from Poland, who joined the NEEST portfolio in 2021!

NEEST provides a portfolio with tailored financial support, business mentoring and strategic networking over a five-year period. NESsT offers investment packages up to $150,000 in the form of grants, patient working capital loans and recoverable grants [...]

Social Entrepreneurship – new book on social entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship - A Practice-Based Approach to Social Innovation is a new textbook with a practice-based approach to social innovation by J. Howard Kucher and Stephanie E. Raible. The book provides in an easily accessible [...]

DIY Toolkit: practical tools to trigger and support social innovation

DIY stands for "Development, Impact and You" and the DIY Toolkit is a digital platform with a collection of practical social innovation tools for social innovators, entrepreneurs and changemakers to help them  invent, adopt or adapt ideas [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, English, Learn, Youth|5 Comments

A guide to starting a social business

After many online expert meetings, research among social entrepreneurs and research of good practices from the world of social entrepreneurship, we present you the Guide to Starting a Social Business. The Social Business Startup Guide [...]

The Social Procurement Manual

This manual is a practical guide to integrating social businesses into corporate value chains created by Yunus Social Business as a part of research series "Business as Usual".  What is social procurement? We de-ladder fine ‘Social Procurement’ as the [...]


This field guide has been developed in response to the specific needs of Social Enterprises and other stakeholders within the social economy. Design Thinking has been proven as a way to help businesses and organizations respond [...]