
Platform Documentation
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Educational Materials

//Educational Materials

This section covers informative and visual materials, that provide educational support for social entrepreneurs. These materials include, but are not limited to books, articles, video materials, infographics and others.

The way to improve social entrepreneurship in Norway

In practice: Social entrepreneurship ensures that new ideas and solutions regarding social problems are acknowledged and preserved in a way that make them practical and useful in a long term. The Norwegian government wants to [...]

By |Categories: Library, Norway, Uncategorized|0 Comments

SoImpact – tools for collaborative social innovation

Innovation work through collaborative social innovation assumes using different methods for collecting and evaluating results, both regarding values created during the process, and the effect that is a result of the ended process. Measuring effects [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Library, Norway|0 Comments

SAMSON – a tool for collaborative social innovation

Scientists found that most of the Norwegian cases had a low level of maturity. Collaborative social innovation is hard to accomplish in practice. The project showed that the general level of knowledge when it came [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Library, Norway|0 Comments

The Best Podcast for Social Entrepreneurs & Changemakers

Through The Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation Podcast delivered by Grow Ensemble, host Cory Ames and his expert guests shed light on social entrepreneurship, discussing the experience of running, growing, and sustaining successful sustainable businesses, social enterprises, and nonprofits. Episodes explore a [...]

The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth

‘The Sustainable Development Goals and YOUth’ is a material developed in 2015, just after the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been agreed on to follow by 2030. Although some time has passed, this resource still [...]

Pioneers Post – The Social Enterprise Magazine

If you are not familiar with Pioneers Post yet, we encourage you to check the independent news network for the global impact community. As a journalism platform, it provides insights for pioneers across the impact economy, from social entrepreneurs and [...]