
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Powerful Communication Tools for Entrepreneurs: Connecting

We all know how important connecting is in our everyday life. Especially now, facing COVID-19 challenges, we appreciate every chance to interact with other people.  But what role does connecting play when it comes to [...]

Hubro Education – Business simulations

Simulations are the ultimate way to tie theory and practice together. Hubro Education allows students to run virtual companies with their award-winning online business simulation game. Hubro Education offers three online business simulation games: Business simulation: Run a [...]

Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education

This report presents the results from the project "Innovation Cluster for Entrepreneurship Education", which focused on the mini-company method. Mini-companies combine practical and theoretical learning and stimulate collaboration between school and working life. The main objective of [...]

By |Categories: Educational Materials, Learn, Library, Youth|0 Comments

The Polish Model of a Social Economy with the Financial aspects and Profits at Background – from the General Theory to Practice

Within the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we aim to bring youth the best knowledge and expertise on how to establish and run a successful youth social enterprise. One of the articles we recommend is was published [...]

Is Crowdfunding an Appropriate Financial Model for Social Entrepreneurship ?

Within the InDigiSE Erasmus+ project we aim to bring youth the best knowledge and expertise on how to establish and run a successful youth social enterprise. One of the popular trends nowadays is the use [...]

The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems |Michael Porter

Why societies turn to nonprofits, NGOs and governments to solve their biggest problems? World known economist, Michael Porter admits he's biased, as a Harvard Business School professor, but he wants people to hear his case for [...]
