
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline




Youth Building Skills and Gaining Opportunities Through Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

"Nearly 90% of young people today live in low and middle-income countries.  Around 200 million adolescent people are not in education programs and 13% of young people globally are unemployed. This presents numerous challenges and [...]

Young People and Social Innovation in Europe

By Ljupka Janevska. "Social innovation is the process of developing creative ideas that will eventually ‘’grow’’ into practical solutions, which will improve the overall wellbeing of the community. The primary goal of implementing or designing [...]

How to support Ukraine

We remind you how you can contribute to support Ukraine: BLUE / YELLOW FOR TRANSFERS IN LITHUANIA Bank account: LT17 7300 0101 4089 4869 Bank: Swedbank Recipient: Public Institution Blue and Yellow Purpose of payment: [...]

Third Sector and Social Economy – what is the difference?

Two terms that can often be encountered in the context of social entrepreneurship and social innovation are "third sector" and "social economy". However, they are significantly less self-explanatory than the more commonly known "non-governmental sector", "the non-profit sector" or "the [...]

The Social Economy, the Future of Europe The Social Economy, the Future of Europe – report from the meeting during the Frensh Presidency of the Council of EU

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is one of the pillars on which the European Union intends to build its resilience, an objective affirmed by the European Commission on 9 December 2021, when it presented [...]

Model and invitation to Impact Procurement in Lithuania

Impact Procurement: New Opportunities for Social Businesses and NGOs to Develop Quality Public Services and Collaborate with Municipalities A procurement model where the ordering of municipal services is not based on the purchase of a [...]
