Collaboration tools

New educational modules for social entrepreneurs are available
Blog | Educational Materials | Educational Module | English | Library | Support for SocEnts

New educational modules for social entrepreneurs are available

The social economy is a business model that works for the future of Europe. Within the RevitaLESE project, we have developed several educational models to strengthen European social enterprises, offer inspiration to the next generation of social entrepreneurs and educate about the…

European social entrepreneur and ESE – Operational course for social innovation
Blog | e-Collaboration tools | Educational Materials | Educational Module | English | European Union | Inspiration | Library

European social entrepreneur and ESE – Operational course for social innovation

The European Social Entrepreneur -ESE project coordinated by CO-LABORY During its implementation, project’s participants produced a high-quality materials and provided the best possible education for trainers, staff of participating organizations, and young people in disadvantaged situations. ESE – Operational course…

Ownership and equity in business is a crucial question for social enterprises. Cake, supporting businesses.
Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools | Support for SocEnts

Ownership and equity in business is a crucial question for social enterprises. Cake, supporting businesses.

Again a promising start-up supporting businesses. Ownership and equity in business is a crucial question for start-ups and social enterprises, too. Cake. is also a start-up that makes equity easy for you. They offer template designed ESOPs, which can be…

Social Enterprises and the Future of Public Services – An Interview with Scott Darraugh, CEO of Social adVentures
Blog | Collaboration tools | Learn | Past Webinars | Webinars | Youth

Social Enterprises and the Future of Public Services – An Interview with Scott Darraugh, CEO of Social adVentures

The Social Enterprise UK invites us to a great webinar to be carried out next week, on July 15th 12:00 (London), where Scott Darraugh, CEO of Social adVentures, will be talking about transforming the delivery of care services. In Salford, Greater Manchester, one social enterprise…

Workplace by Facebook
e-Collaboration tools

Workplace by Facebook

Workplace: internal social network for business. Facebook at Work supports collaboration; allows you to effectively create work or project groups, colleagues can also create: RSS information feeds in order to be notified of all relevant information Events for all colleagues or private events What has…

MIRO – where teams get works done
Collaboration tools | Database | Design | e-Collaboration tools | Educational Materials | Learn | News | Project Outputs | Support for SocEnts | Youth

MIRO – where teams get works done

The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere. For a while, we’ve been hearing that remote work and therefore remote jobs are the trend of the future. However, in 2020 there are enough people working across different offices, satellite hubs, coworking…

Knowledge capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship: Investigating the role of informal institutions
Blog | Educational Materials | Educational Module | English | Learn | Library | Youth

Knowledge capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship: Investigating the role of informal institutions

Abstract This paper utilizes the lenses of knowledge capital and institutional theories to examine the role knowledge capital plays in the context of entry into social versus commercial entrepreneurship. We also investigate the moderating role of national culture in the…

37 ICT tools for youth workers, trainers and project managers
Blog | Collaboration tools | Educational Materials | Library | News | Support for SocEnts | Youth

37 ICT tools for youth workers, trainers and project managers

The term of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) generally means all devices, networking components, applications and systems that combined allow people and organisations (i.e., companies, non-profit agencies, governments and institutions) to interact in the digital world. If you are a…

“Unravel Tomorrow” MOOC Available for Social Entrepreneurs and Innovators
Blog | Educational Module | English | Latvian | Learn | Library | Youth

“Unravel Tomorrow” MOOC Available for Social Entrepreneurs and Innovators

The “Unravel Tomorrow Learning Journey” offers learning resources to support educators, empowering new social entrepreneurs and social innovators to think about and learn from the experiences of changemakers, strengthen skills and develop ideas to take action. This digital course invites…

Guide to Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Events – Youth in Focus
Educational Module | English | Learn | Library | Youth

Guide to Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Events – Youth in Focus

The project “Prosoa Rural – Promoting Social Awareness in Rural Area” aims to develop materials that support educators in rural training centers so that they can transmit these values to young people. The materials prepared are based on a methodology focused…

Hubro Education – Business simulations
Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools | Learn | Play | Youth

Hubro Education – Business simulations

Simulations are the ultimate way to tie theory and practice together. Hubro Education allows students to run virtual companies with their award-winning online business simulation game. Hubro Education offers three online business simulation games: Business simulation: Run a production company in a group,…

Social Leaders’ Business Events in Klaipeda Encourage Regional Initiatives
Blog | Collaboration tools | News | Support for SocEnts

Social Leaders’ Business Events in Klaipeda Encourage Regional Initiatives

Last week (16 October, 2020), the Lithuanian Social Business Association together with Entrepreneurial Lithuania (Marijampolė and Klaipėda agency “Spiečius”), LAG “Pajūrio kraštas”, and local partners brought together Klaipėda, Marijampolė and Gargždai social business communities and decision makers for joint…

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – Ready to Accelerate Your Social Business
Blog | Collaboration tools | News | Successful Business Models | Support for SocEnts

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – Ready to Accelerate Your Social Business

Established in 2005, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) is a fast-growing Center of Excellence in European Entrepreneurship. As a state-of-the-art international organization, iED promotes change for the better, through entrepreneurial and innovative actions and supports every entrepreneurial venture across Europe….

Invest in Meaningful Innovation: Join Us in Partnering with Social Ventures Started by Young People
Blog | Collaboration tools | Library | News | Successful Business Models

Invest in Meaningful Innovation: Join Us in Partnering with Social Ventures Started by Young People

For over 20 years, IYF has nurtured young leaders as they tackle urgent social challenges in their communities. Today we are thrilled to announce the Strategic Alliance Initiative, through which IYF will partner with a consortium of social ventures from our…

Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates
Blog | Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools | Educational Materials | Successful Business Models

Design a Striking SWOT Analysis with Canva. SWOT analysis templates

SWOT is the leading online SWOT Analysis tool, template, and platform to help you build and execute a winning strategy. When it comes to building a strategic vision, a SWOT analysis is a crucial first step. It’s an important step…

How to be a social entrepreneur?
Blog | Educational Materials | Educational Module | English | Inspiration | Learn | Library | Videos | Webinars | Youth

How to be a social entrepreneur?

For all those of you who think about becomming a social entrepreneur , we highly recommend watching a very inspiring speach by Andy Stoll at TEDx UIowa: [embedyt][/embedyt] Andy Stoll –  a Senior Program Officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation,…

Wistia for commercial videos – a perfect software for starting entrepreneurship online
Blog | Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools | Play

Wistia for commercial videos – a perfect software for starting entrepreneurship online

Wistia is a video marketing software that allows entrepreneurs to upgrade their webpages with professional videos in binge-watchable format to encourage viewers to spend more time with their brands. It allows to set up an automatic video SEO, track the…

Corporate Impact Analysis Tool by UNEP FI
Educational Module | English | Impact Measurement Methodology | Learn | Library | Youth

Corporate Impact Analysis Tool by UNEP FI

Picture taken from Corporate Impact Measurement tool Initially Corporate Impact Analysis Tool was developed for banks and investors to gain a cross-cutting view of the impact status and possibilities of their clients and investee companies. Based on the Positive Impact Initiative’s…

Di you try Flock as alternative to Slack while collaborating with your peers online?
Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools

Di you try Flock as alternative to Slack while collaborating with your peers online?

Flock is a communication-focused Slack alternative Easy to use interface Neat productivity tools Free to use Flock is another application very similar to Slack but is arguably a little less daunting to use and offers more comprehensive communication tools. Flock supports…

Social collaboration software (SCS) – new collaboration tool
Collaboration tools | e-Collaboration tools

Social collaboration software (SCS) – new collaboration tool

Read about the newest collaboration tool from the   TechnologyAdvice Buyer’s Guide to Social Collaboration Software Updated: Jan. 2nd, 2020 Introduction Social collaboration software (SCS) is a vast marketplace of platforms designed to handle everything from knowledge management to enterprise application…

Zoho Connect: More than a collaboration app an enterprise social network that fosters company-wide collaboration!
Collaboration tools

Zoho Connect: More than a collaboration app an enterprise social network that fosters company-wide collaboration!

Zoho Connect as a team collaboration app, helps you to unify your team, resources, and the online tools you need. Your team can share ideas, hold real-time discussions, contact anyone in the network, create their own apps, build their knowledge…

The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach
Collaboration tools | Educational Materials | English | Library | Polish

The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An Integrative Approach

We recommend the article by Norbert Laurisz, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Public Economy and Administration, University of Economics in Krakow, 27 Rakowicka St., 31-510 Krakow, Poland; The Role of Stakeholders in Development of Social Economy Organizations in Poland: An…

APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Latvian | Latvian | Library | Support for SocEnts | Uncategorized

APMĀCĪBU MODULIS Sociālā uzņēmēja prasmes un domāšanas veids

Uzņēmējdarbība, pielietojot inovācijas ar mērķi veicināt ekonomisko izaugsmi, darbojas kā pasaules dzinējspēks. Iepretim sociālie uzņēmēji,  atpazīstot sociālu problēmu un tās risināšanai pielietojot uzņēmējdarbības principus, tiecas radīt, organizēt un pārvaldīt pārmaiņas sabiedrībā. Tomēr bez atbilstošām spējām un prasmēm tiem, kas vēlas…

UTBILDNINGS MODUL Kompetenser och tänkesätt för sociala företagare
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Library | Swedish

UTBILDNINGS MODUL Kompetenser och tänkesätt för sociala företagare

Företagare i näringslivet fungerar som motorer för tillväxt, genom att utnyttja innovation som bränsle för deras ekonomiska tillväxt. Sociala entreprenörer däremot är individer som känner igen ett socialt problem och använder sina entreprenöriella principer till att organisera, skapa och hantera…

MOKYMO MODULIS Socialinių verslininkų kompetencija ir mąstysena
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Library | Lithuanian

MOKYMO MODULIS Socialinių verslininkų kompetencija ir mąstysena

Verslininkai biznio pasaulyje veikia kaip varikliai, panaudodami inovacijas, kurios skatina ekonominę pažangą. Nors socialiniai verslininkai yra asmenys, kurie pripažįsta socialinę problemą ir naudojasi verslumo principais, kurdami ir valdydami socialinius pokyčius, tačiau be įgūdžių ir atitinkamų kompetencijų tiems, kurie nori tapti…

e-Collaboration tools


With Stormboard‘s digital workspace users can generate more ideas – prioritize, organize, and refine those ideas and in that way make meetings, brainstorms, and projects more productive and effective. The online platform tool allows users create a project, hold a…

e-Collaboration tools


Podio is a flexible and customisable online platform where teams can  work and communicate together. The platform give users a possibility to organize large amounts of work and at the same time to delegate tasks between employees or members of an…

Руководство по социальному предпринимательству
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Library | Russian | Russian | Uncategorized

Руководство по социальному предпринимательству

Образовательный модуль для социальных предпринимателей Добро пожаловать в Руководство по социальному предпринимательству – образовательный модуль для социальных предпринимателей.   «Будь тем изменением, которое ты хочешь увидеть в мире»/Ганди Об учебном модуле Целевая аудитория:  Те, кто интересуется предпринимательством, особенно таким, которое…

Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Polish | Polish

Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej

Przewodnik po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej Kurs edukacyjny dla przedsiębiorców społecznych Witamy! Witamy w Przewodniku po Przedsiębiorczości Społecznej – kursie edukacyjnym dla przedsiębiorców społecznych!   O module szkoleniowym:  Grupa docelowa:  1.     Osoby, które są zainteresowane przedsiębiorczością, a szczególnie tworzeniem wpływu społecznego; 2.    …

Rokasgrāmata sociālajiem uzņēmējiem
Educational Materials | Educational Module | Latvian | Latvian | Library

Rokasgrāmata sociālajiem uzņēmējiem

Izglītojošs materiāls sociālās uzņēmējdarbības uzsācējiem Laipni lūdzam!    Laipni lūdzam sociālās uzņēmējdarbības rokasgrāmatā “Rokasgrāmta sociālajiem uzņēmējiem”. Sociālos uzņēmējus motivē vēlme īstenot pozitīvas pārmaiņas. Šis fenomens piesaista arvien vairāk nacionālās un starptaustiskās sabiedrības uzmanību. Ja jūs vēlaties mainīt pasauli, jums ir…

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration
Blog | e-Collaboration tools

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration

Technological development of 21st century is based on the needs, including those of communication and interaction. People innovate to create helpful tools and these tools, in fact, support new processes of innovation. The innovation is what moves people towards digital…