
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Collaboration tools

/Collaboration tools

Organising Webinars: Tools and Use

Digital collaboration tools in general are characterised with huge variety of uses that helps enterprises, NGOs and public bodies, as well as teams to communicate effectively. Another part of success hides in ability to connect [...]

Digital filesharing tools for collaboration

If you have ever searched for an effective way of publishing your files for closed group of colleagues or friends, you may probably discover some filesharing tools, which meet your needs. But have you ever thought about regular [...]

Freedcamp, Trello and Google Drive for productivity and effective collaboration

Technological development of 21st century is based on the needs, including those of communication and interaction. People innovate to create helpful tools and these tools, in fact, support new processes of innovation. The innovation is [...]

Platform Cooperativism: A Global Movement on the Rise

Last November, the Platform Cooperativism conference -- a coming out party for the cooperative Internet -- took place in New York City, initiated by Nathan Schneider and Trebor Scholz. http://www.shareable.net/blog/platform-cooperativism- a-global- movement-on- the-rise

What are we building communites or networks

Rising Voices, the outreach initiative of Global Voices, aims to help bring new voices from new communities and speaking endangered or indigenous languages to the global conversation by providing training, resources, microgrant funding, and mentoring [...]

Learn to love networking

"I hate networking.” We hear this all the time from executives, other professionals, and MBA students. They tell us that networking makes them feel uncomfortable and phony—even dirty. https://hbr.org/2016/05/learn-to- love-networking