
Platform Documentation
- Proposal Outline


Successful Business Models

//Successful Business Models

9 Social Enterprise Business Models

Change Creator™ has identified 9 working social enterprise business models that bring value to customers. As they state, there are 3 measures that define if a business model in generalis successful or not: the model’s [...]

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The Pakistani ‘hyper-entrepreneur’ who started 10 companies in Sweden

Meet Naimul Abd, the self-titled ‘hyper-entrepreneur' who has gone into hyperdrive since moving to Sweden, learning to speak the language fluently and starting 10 companies in just four years. Naimul spoke about the different types [...]

Book review: Reinventing organizations by Frederic Laloux

When running your social enterprise, have you ever wondered if there is a different way of doing organizational tasks and assigning titles than the traditional hierarchical structure with decisions being made mostly top down? Frederick [...]

Roman Aranin: wheelchair pilot

Roman Aranin is a social entrepreneur from Kaliningrad (Russia). In the past, a military pilot, then a successful entrepreneur, Roman broke on a paraglider. The result is an almost complete lack of ability to move [...]

Social Enterprise Business Models that Address Affordability

If the customers who will most benefit from the services and products, that your social enterprise provides are not able to afford them, it can feel like realy big problem to solve building the businessmodel. [...]

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Goodwill® – Social franchise and international partnership in action – Part 1

“We have courage and are unafraid. With the prayerful cooperation of millions of our bag contributors and of our workers, we will press on till the curse of poverty and exploitation is banished from mankind.” [...]

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