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April 2016

Socialøkonomisk Virksomhed – Erfaringer med opstart og drift af socialøkonomisk virksomhed

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Danish, Educational Materials, Project Outputs|

"Socialøkonomisk Virksomhed - Erfaringer med opstart og drift af socialøkonomisk virksomhed" er en ny video er produceret af Sociale Entreprenører i Danmark i forbindelse med Projekt ”Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region”.   Projekt [...]

Social Effektanalyse Håndbog

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Danish, Educational Materials, Project Outputs|

Social Effektanalyse Håndbog er en ny lille publikation som viser, hvordan socialøkonomiske virksomheder, forandringsagenter og sociale organisationer kan udvikle en forandringsteori, der kan anvendes til at dokumentere den sociale effekt af deres arbejde. Håndbogen er [...]

Socialøkonomiske virksomheder – øjebliksbillede fra landene omkring det Baltiske Hav

By |April 12th, 2016|Categories: Danish, Educational Materials, Project Outputs|

Rapporten Social Enterprise Sector Snapshot Around The Baltic Sea giver et øjebliksbillede af den socialøkonomiske sektor i de baltiske lande i forhold til aktører, uddannelsestilbud og effektmåling.   Rapporten er en del af projektet ”The [...]

Selected impact analysis resources in English

By |April 11th, 2016|Categories: English, Impact Measurement Methodology, Library|Tags: , |

Hereby please find some of the greatest hits of impact analysis materials in English. Be inspired and guided! A toolkit for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprise to provide ways to prove and improve their quality and [...]

Getting Finance for Social Enterprise Sector in Sweden

By |April 11th, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Over the last years several new initiatives and funding opportunities have been established including new models, platforms aimed at increasing the availability of capital for social enterprises in Sweden. Mikrofund West is one of the [...]

Successful Business Models in Lithuania – case 3: Food Bank

By |April 10th, 2016|Categories: Successful Business Models|Tags: , , , |

Food Bank Lithuania is a typical food recovery and redistribution charity/social enterprise. It's a very effective organisation playing vital role in supplementing food options or the socially disadvantaged people across the country. Food Bank has [...]