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October 2018

Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries

By |October 15th, 2018|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|

Report Social entrepreneurship and social innovation - Initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social innovation in the Nordic countries presents the results from a survey of initiatives to support social entrepreneurship and social innovation in [...]

Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

By |October 5th, 2018|Categories: Polish|Tags: , , |

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z kompleksową publikacją „Porównanie koncepcji wsparcia rozwoju ekonomii społecznej na poziomie regionalnym i krajowym na podstawie wieloletnich regionalnych planów działań na rzecz promocji i upowszechnienia ekonomii społecznej oraz rozwoju instytucji sektora ekonomii [...]

September 2018

Models of Impact

By |September 29th, 2018|Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|

Choosing and developing a business model for your social enterprise is not always easy and straight forward.  So sometimes it can be helpfull to utilize some of the tools that are available. Models of Impact: [...]

Finnish Online courses on impact assessment

By |September 29th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Finnish, Impact Measurement Methodology|

Want to learn how to develop skills in impact assessment or writing a story about your impact? Impact assessment online courses are now available in Finnish through online video platform Videokoulutus.fi There are several courses  [...]

WORTH – the second call is open now!

By |September 29th, 2018|Categories: Inspiration, News, Support for SocEnts|

WORTH aims to create cross-border and cross-discipline collaborations between designers, crafters, SME manufacturers, tech-firms and start-ups across EU-28 and COSME countries, to develop unique and high-end products in the following sectors: fashion and textile, footwear, [...]

Social Enterprise World Forum 2018

By |September 29th, 2018|Categories: Blog|

The Social Enterprise World Forum 2018 was held in Edinburgh 12-14. September. Social Entrepreneurs in Denmark (SED) participated for the first time, and here are a couple of impressions from the conference.   By Per [...]