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July 2018

Leksell Social Ventures AB: Familjen Leksell ökar sina sociala investeringar i Sverige

By |July 20th, 2018|Categories: News, Support for SocEnts|

Under 2018 stärker familjen Leksell sitt engagemang för sociala investeringar och den fortsatta utvecklingen av Leksell Social Ventures (LSV). Bland de nya initiativen finns en mångmiljoninvestering i en digital lösning för behandling av psykisk ohälsa, [...]

SAMforSE – A Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs

By |July 16th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|Tags: , |

The buzz is steadily increasing about tools that measure the impact of social enterprises and standardized metrics for assessing social, economic, and environmental impact. However, there are currently no easily applicable tools for social entrepreneurs [...]

Publication “Thematic Cluster on Social Inclusion”

By |July 13th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English, Library|Tags: , , , |

Recently the European Commission has released a publication about the use of EU-Funds for Social Inclusion, titled “Social Inclusion: Inspiring Trends in European Funded Projects”. The publication summarises the outcomes of a thematic cluster meeting held in Brussels on the [...]

10 Tips From 10 Years of Social Good:

By |July 6th, 2018|Categories: Educational Materials|

10 Tips From 10 Years of Social Good Social entrepreneur Sarah Cowley shares a list of 10 tips of the most important things she has learned on her journey as a social entrepreneur after having been in [...]

Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds

By |July 2nd, 2018|Categories: Blog|

Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds   "Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based Payment Systems in the Uk and Us" is a new book by eksperter fra Manchester Metropolitan University, University of [...]

Game Changers and Transformative Social Innovation. The Case of the Economic Crisis and the New Economy

By |July 2nd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Educational Materials, English|Tags: , |

ABSTRACT This paper discusses transformative social innovation, conceptualised as the process through which social innovation contributes to societal transformation. A conceptual heuristic is introduced that proposes five foundational concepts to help distinguish between different pertinent [...]