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February 2016

Successful business models in Latvia – case 2

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|

Case study No.2 -  Samaritan Association of Latvia. The Samaritan Association of Latvia (LSA) is a voluntary action oriented public benefit organization that has a slogan „Help to live”. The Samaritan Association of Latvia is well-known [...]

Social Entrepreneurship Course by CBS

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|

About the Course In this course we will ask you to form groups with other MOOC participants to identify an opportunity to create social change, develop a business model, and outline ideas in a business [...]

5 Keys to Success For Social Entrepreneurs: Lluis Pareras at TEDxBarcelonaChange

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library|

Dr. Lluis Pareras -- Director Healthequity, Barcelona Healthequity is a venture capital fund investing in healthcare. Neurosurgeon, PhD, and Global Executive MBA (IESE), Lluis analyzes more than 400 business plans per year. Board member of [...]

Majora Carter – 3 stories of local eco-entrepreneurship at TEDxMidwest

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Library, Successful Business Models|

The future of green is local — and entrepreneurial. In her talk, Majora Carter brings us the stories of three people who are saving their own communities while saving the planet. Call it “hometown security.” [...]

Social Enterprise Sector Snapshot Around The Baltic Sea

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library, Project Outputs|

The study is available here: Social entrepreneurship final report One of the project “Social entrepreneurship development in the Baltic Sea Region” task was to explore availability of the education about social entrepreneurship and to assess other forms [...]

Guidelines to stimulate social economy

By |February 16th, 2016|Categories: Educational Materials, English, Library, Project Outputs|

Local authorities have an important role in promoting social entrepreneurship in every country. However, they do not always have sufficient knowledge and not always actively participate in promotion and support of social entrepreneurship. Often the [...]